On the 3rd of February, at the Seoul LoL Park, the 15th day of the 2019 LCK Spring Split took place. On the first series of the day, Kingzone DragonX fought against Gen.G Esports, in which Kingzone ca
On the 3rd of February, at the Seoul LoL Park, the 15th day of the 2019 LCK Spring Split took place. On the first series of the day, Kingzone DragonX clashed against Gen.G Esports, in which Kingzone c
While many people wish to become successful streamers, few actually do! There are so many hurdles to jump and mountains to climb that nobody considers until they actually start streaming. It looks eas
The 2019 LEC Spring Split is one third over, and G2 Esports put its stamp all over the first act of the season. The Kings of Europe now sit at 6-0 in sole possession of 1st place, but Splyce did not make it easy.
Griffin defeated SANDBOX Gaming 2-1 on February 2nd, the 4th day of week 3 for the LCK 2019 Spring Season. Although game 2 wasn't any easy for Griffin, they crushed SANDBOX Gaming in both game 1 and 3, managing to stay on a winning streak with no losses. Following is the interview we had with Sword, the top laner for Griffin.
Griffin defeated SANDBOX Gaming 2-1 on February 2nd, the 4th day of week 3 for the LCK 2019 Spring Season. It was an easy game for Griffin in game 1 with Zac on their team. Staying ahead of SANDBOX in overall macros, Griffin managed to score a couple of kills each time a team fight broke out. Having managed to take both Rift Herald and Baron, Griffin took down enemy turrets without much difficulty, eventually destroying the Nexus as well. It was SANDBOX, however, that got to crush Griffin in return during game 2. They began snowballing when they managed to kill off their enemy one by one in every team fights. This allowed them to easily take four drakes in a row, as well as the Baron. Griffin stood no chance against SANDBOX when they came marching toward their Nexus with the Baron buff, destroying all of their Inhibitors.
Following FlyQuest's defeat of OpTic, Jungler Lucas "Santorin" Tao Kilmer Larsen sat down with InvenGlobal to discuss his relationship with his Top Laner Omran "Viper" Shoura , FlyQuest's potential, and developing synergy with his new Mid Laner Eugene "Pobelter" Park.
Nick Geracie recaps Week 3 Day 1 of the 2019 LEC Spring Split.
One week of play in the 2019 LCS Spring Split is too small of a sample size to make any definitive conclusions. However, the first weekend of games in North America gave some first impressions to be analyzed, and also raised questions to be answered as the season progresses.
KT Rolster defeated Afreeca Freecs 2-0 on February 2nd, the 4th day of week 3 for the LCK 2019 Spring Season. KT was ahead of AF in macros during both game 1 and 2, which allowed them to win easily despite the mistakes they made during team fights. We had the chance to interview Smeb, the captain of KT Rolster, about today's victory. Following is the interview with KT Rolster's top laner, Smeb.
KT Rolster defeated Afreeca Freecs by 2-0 on February 2nd, the 4th day of week 3 for the LCK 2019 Spring Season. KT Rolster took advantage of their jungle dominance in early phase, which UmTi used to help his team score kills. Their bot laners were also able to have lane dominance thanks to SnowFlower's successful grabs. KT used these advantages to snowball, taking the Baron easily. This allowed them to win easily in game 1.
On February 2nd, Kuro came visiting with Kramer to support Afreeca Freecs playing in the LCK at the LoL Park in South Korea. Kuro, the former mid laner for Afreeca Freecs, is now the mid laner for LPL's Bilibili Gaming. He was visiting Korea during the Lunar New Year and came to watch his former teammates playing against KT Rolster. We had the chance to interview Kuro about him playing in the LPL.
Smoothie joined Inven Global to discuss his experience on Echo Fox in 2018, his new teammates, and TSM's culture.
On the 1st, Hanwha Life Esports defeated Jin Air Greenwings 2-0.The first game started out strong for Jin Air. Grabbing the first 4 kills, the early to mid game was secured by Jin Air. However through
On the 1st, Kingzone Dragon X defeated Damwon 2-0.Before the games today, it was fair bet on who would take the series. In game 1, Damwon took the early game lead and kept pushing up to the mid game.
A new member is added to K/DA?! Katarina looks good on stage! (Made by 쭨쒜이)
Immediately before LCS returned, League viewers were graced with a flashy competition featuring all their favorite Twitch Streamers! Jayden, AKA “YourPrincess” was one of these streamers,
Huni sat down with Inven Global post-game to talk about joining Clutch Gaming, synergizing with LirA, and his growth as a player since returning to North America.
The 2019 LCK season had quite an unexpected start; there was a significant shift in power within the newly-vamped Korean league.Coming in like a storm, the new blood asserted their dominance, dealing
Pobelter sat down with Inven Global after his team's opening day match against Golden Guardians to discuss the victory, FlyQuest's relative strengths, and his rollercoaster of an off-season.