SKT T1 defeated Gen.G 2-1 on February 16th, Week 4 Day 4 of the LCK 2019 Spring Season. Although Gen.G managed to snowball the advantage they got in the early phase of game 1, they had a difficult time turning the tide around in both game 2 and 3. In the end, Gen.G helplessly watched SKT T1 march on and destroy their Nexus. This happened because SKT T1 managed to remain calm and kill enemies with quick backup. Mata, the support for SKT T1, played a big part in helping his team to turn the tide and win in games 2 and 3. The following is our interview with Mata.

You won by 2-1 today! How do you feel?
We were able to win by a reverse sweep; it was great how we were able to win after getting thorough feedback when we lost in game 1. Personally, I was sorry I made so many mistakes today.
What kind of feedback did your team get today?
We should have used our team comps to make it work in both game 1 and 2 but we kept making mistakes. We went slow in game 3 because we thought it would be okay if we did.
Some teams get harsh feedback after losing a match while some teams stay calm. What kind of feedback does SKT T1 get in a situation like today’s when you were playing in game 3?
Our coach takes extra care to point out important parts to us. We would lose our confidence when we lose - in response, our coach would try to make us feel better by telling us that we can do it, that we've just got to win the next match. He gives us a lot of confidence. Coach Zefa and kkOma treat us well with supportive words.
The first round is almost coming to an end. What would you say about your coordination with Teddy so far?
We aren’t that bad but I still feel that we should do better. Well, it would feel great if I myself do better.
At one point, Faker seemed to focus on overall macro or using combos in team fights with Galio and Lissandra. He is seen carrying with Zoe or LeBlanc again nowadays, which is reminds fans of the old days. Faker’s presence must be important in the team as well; as a support, which role do you think is more important for Faker to play?
Since I am a bot laner, I like it when Faker plays a more supportive role. I mean… since he can help my own lane, too. If Faker goes for a carry pick, then the rest of the team focuses on helping him. Both of us are good so there won’t be any changes in our feelings, whatever role he chooses to play. We keep our focus on our own roles because we trust each other.
Khan got selected as MVP last time, and Faker today. Both seemed very happy about it. Do you frankly wish you could be selected as MVP yourself as well?
I mean, I’m sorry that I didn’t get to be MVP. I’d like to get selected as MVP once and see my face shown on the broadcast.
Is there any goal you have before the first round ends?
I tend to make mistakes with skill shots or become reckless when decision-making. I plan to play calmly from now on.
What is your goal for the round 2 then?
I’d like to win the rest of the matches and win against the first and second place teams that we lost to -- Griffin and SANDBOX Gaming -- and get payback.
Playing against KT Rolster -- what does that mean to you? Can you share your determination with us?
It is the last match we get to play in round 1 so we’d definitely like to win. I don’t have any hard feelings against them but feel that I’d certainly like to win against them. I want to shake hands with KT Rolster with a smile on my face.
Is there any bonus for winning a match against another team sponsored by a telephone company?
I don’t know. I don’t know much about the contract related to it… I didn’t know much back when I was in KT either. I mean, we kept losing in such competitions… So, I don’t know…
We're at the end of the interview. Is there anything else you’d like to say?
Things were great during practice; I play worse when playing in the actual tournament. I’ll make sure the performance I displayed in practice shows in the tournament as well. It might be either because I got tilted or my mechanics, but I’m a rather greedy person so I’ll make sure I play well.
A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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