We’ll be breaking down Tempest Keep, and here’s everything you need to know before going to face Kael’Thas and his minions.
World of Warcraft Classic’s first expansion, The Burning Crusade, is well underway with Phase 2. This new phase added a ton of new content, with some of the biggest pieces being two new 25-man raids.
Warlocks are one of the best picks in TBC Classic if you’re looking to focus purely on damage. The class has three unique specializations, but the most powerful is Destruction as the talents simply provide way more damage than Affliction and Demonology.
If you want to learn how to get the most out of your DPS Shaman, then you’ve come to the right place! Here’s everything you need to know about Elemental and Enhancement Shaman in TBC Classic.
Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley are the final two zones in Outland. They span levels 67-70 and are where you’ll be finishing your leveling journey. Both offer a ton of unique quests and very powerful rewards, some of which even make up the best in slot items before raids.
Nagrand and Blade’s Edge Mountains are two of the middle-tier zones in Outland. They cover levels 64 to 68 and continue to introduce more neutral questing hubs, alongside some faction-specific towns.
Leveling in outland is a bit more linear than Azeroth, so you’ll only need to stick to a zone or two every level. For now, we’ll break down the first three zones and everything you need to do to go from level 58 to 65.
The Dark Portal Reopens... in just under a month. World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic has a release date of Jun. 1, Blizzard confirmed Thursday.
Everything you need to know about playing a Beast Mastery Hunter in TBC Classic: from talent build, to stat prioritization, professions, gems, and skill rotation.
With WoW Burning Crusade Classic on the way, let’s take a look at some of the best addons to make your Warcraft life easier.
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