After much anticipation, a product of Riot Games is coming to mobile devices around the world. Teamfight Tactics, the auto chess title played by more than 80 million individuals since its' launch last year, will be available to be played in closed beta in select regions starting Tuesday, March 17th, with the official release coming two days later on Thursday in the App Store and Google Play platforms. China and SEA's mobile version will be coming at a later date.
Riot Games has been very hands-on with Teamfight Tactics: Galaxies on the Public Beta Environment server. The new set, which went live on the PBE just a week ago, has introduced a couple of units and
Upon Riot Games' announcement of Teamfight Tactics: Galaxies, the newest season for the aforementioned game which adds another layer to the auto-battler game, there is going to be a showcase called Teamfight Tactics: Galaxies Showcase featuring noteworthy TFT players.
Ever since Riot Games teased the Teamfight Tactics' community that Set 3 was being titled "Galaxies" players have been left wondering: "Which champions can we play as?" and "Oh, I bet x-class is going to be featured!" Well, as of Tuesday afternoon, the wait is over. Numerous videos and guides began popping up around the internet regarding the full set of champions, origins, and classes that will be when TFT: Galaxies goes live in the next couple of weeks.
The Galaxies Pass will be free to all TFT: Galaxies players, and the Galaxies Pass+ will be a paid version that will contain additional rewards and cosmetics that can also be unlocked through the standard pass.
The final patch for Teamfight Tactics: Rise of the Elements is upon us. With patch 10.5 scheduled to go live next week ahead of Set 3's launch date in the middle of March, Riot Games' development team is looking to put the auto chess title in the best state possible prior to wiping the slate clean. On Sunday afternoon, Stephen "Mortdog" Mortimer, the title's Lead Designer, took to his personal Twitch stream to unveil what the team is looking to do in patch 10.5. While the information below is subject to change, it should give players an understanding of what they can expect over the next couple of weeks as they prepare for Set
Teamfight Tactics is in a strange, pre-rotation state at the moment. While the gameplay itself is in a pretty good state and the meta generally is pretty diverse, most TFT players are just waiting for
Last week, Riot Games introduced Teamfight Tactics: Galaxies, the auto chess title's third set of content. On Wednesday afternoon new information was made available that includes unique origins, champions, and mechanics ahead of next month's launch.
Riot Games released a developer update for Teamfight Tactics on Wednesday, February 19 to introduce Teamfight Tactics: Galaxies. TFT: Galaxies will take the place of Teamfight Tactics: Rise of the Elements next month. TFT Principle Game Designer Stephen 'Mortdog' Mortimer and Communications Strategist Blake 'Beernana' Edwards began the update by talking about the Elemental Hex system that was introduced as part of the seasonal update near the end of 2019.
Set 2 is closing in on its end in Teamfight Tactics. As the developers announced in January, Set 3 will go live somewhere around mid-March. New champions, new traits and origins and probably new items will flood the auto battler. However, until then, the development team is mostly focused on tweaking Set 2 minimally. Keep things in check, as they say, and hope the meta stays fresh. In patch 10.4, which goes live later this week, Riot Games is making very few adjustments.
When Teamfight Tactics hit the live servers, one of the first questions players asked was: will there be a mobile port as well? Its direct competitor Dota Underlords had launched on both PC and mobile
The inaugural season of Amazon University Esports will see players compete in League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics, both developed by Riot Games, with winning teams qualifying for international tournament events.
Teamfight Tactics is closing in on the end of Set 2. As announced a few weeks ago, the next set will go live somewhere in March, introducing new champions, traits and items to the autobattler. Until t
After the patch notes for Teamfight Tactics' patch 10.2 were teased last Friday, we now know exactly how much the champions, origins, classes and items will be altered. TFT developer Stephen "Mortdog"
Earlier in the week, Riot Games revealed some of their tentative plans for what patch 10.2 might look like for their auto chess title, Teamfight Tactics. On Friday afternoon, they divulged even more and confirmed that current changes being tested on their Public Beta Environment (PBE) are slated to go live when the patch debuts next Thursday.
One week before Riot Games was slated to release their 10.2 patch to Teamfight Tactics, Stephen Mortimer, the auto chess game's Lead Designer, posted a Youtube video on his official channel announcing a B-side patch was going live on Wednesday afternoon. Typically reserved for "emergency" changes if the team feels certain champions or items are a bit over-tuned, Mortimer revealed that three champions (Lucian, Yorick and Sivir) were being nerfed on the spot to restore order to the meta for the immediate future.
On Monday afternoon, Riot Games announced that Teamfight Tactics, their auto chess title, was coming to mobile devices around the world in the middle of March. The game's third Set of content, with a star/space/galaxy theme, was teased as well. In the immediate future, the game's Public Beta Environment (PBE) received tentative changes as part of the upcoming 10.2 patch and numerous champions and traits had their numbers tweaked. While the changes found below can be altered at any time and aren't necessarily subject to go live, players are now able to test out what future meta may feel, play and look like.
Ever since Teamfight Tactics hit the live servers, players have wanted a mobile client for the autobattler. Unlike League of Legends, players aren't as reliant on mechanical prowess, making it far eas
Earlier this week, the kind people of Cheddar Esports invited me to come on their show and discuss Teamfight Tactics as it heads into 2020. Riot's game mode has been the leading autobattler for the pa
The new League of Legends season is just two days away. Season 2020 is headlined by the introduction of new bruiser Sett, and is the first full season where players get to interact with the updated Su