Riot Mort (@Mortdog on Twitter) has posted a long, in-depth update on all the changes made to Teamfight Tactics on the PBE for today's launch of the TFT Set 2 testing. Check out the change log here!
Ever since Riot Games released Teamfight Tactics over three months ago, the development team has been learning, growing, and listening to the community for feedback. It hasn't always been seamless and mistakes have been made along the way. But they're willing to acknowledge that and work towards improving the game that countless fans enjoy around the world. On Tuesday morning, Stephen Mortimer, the title's Principal Game Designer, released a blog post on League of Legend's official site titled "/DEV: TFT SET 1 LEARNINGS" that outlined just that: What the team has learned in the first few months since the game went live.
The first Seasonal Set of Teamfight Tactics begins tomorrow, Oct. 22nd! And streamers and personalities have begun releasing new champions and mechanics for the mode's big launch. here is what we know!
Ahead of Tuesday's Teamfight Tactics' blog post that is detailing what's to come in set two, titled "Rise of the Elements," Riot Games has partnered with popular community figures to slowly release information for fans of the title. On Monday morning, two Youtubers and a Turkish influencer revealed new champions and origins debuting when the 9.22 patch goes live in the coming weeks.
On Friday morning, Stephen "Mortdog" Mortimer, the lead designer of Riot Game's Teamfight Tactics, unveiled details of what's to come in next week's 9.21 patch, the final one before Set 2 kicks off. To the delight of those who have been playing the game since 9.20 went live, Pantheon, and the Guardian bonus as a whole, are being nerfed. Additionally, Lissandra and Draven are being knocked down a few pegs in terms of their effectiveness. The Hextech origin is being tweaked as well.
Ever since last week, Teamfight Tactics players have been able to play around with the new Sparring Gloves on the live servers. The item component brought with it a slew of new full items too. The Thi
The Teamfight Tactics arena has only just begun recovering from the massive update last week, which introduced Kai'Sa to the roster, but Riot already has a next meta-changer ready according to website
Juan "jschritte" Passos appreciates the little things in life. He has no other choice, actually. It wasn't long ago that jschritte was a professional Heroes of the Storm player until Activision Blizzard, the game's publisher, pulled the plug on the competitive scene, sending hundreds into unemployment in a moment's notice. Everything that jschritte had worked for was gone. He was left wondering what to do with his life but knew there would be a light at the end of the dark and ominous tunnel.
There's quite some esports action this weekend, for established titles as well as newcomers. Over in the San Diego, at TwitchCon 2019, Teamfight Tactics took its next step in esports with the conclusi
It's been a wild ride this year for the autobattler genre, and Riot Games isn't about to get off the hype train anytime soon. Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact. In their own words: "We are doubl
The long-awaited Teamfight Tactics patch 9.19 has arrived. After Riot decided that the game mode did not need a patch last week—to the frustration of players facing endless Void/Assassin comps&m
A report by Dot Esports confirmed that Riot Games has recently filed two new trademarks applications. The applications, which are viewable on Justia Trademarks, strongly implicate that Riot Game is developing two new games.
Today's cartoon is about how the popular League of Legends mode, Teamfight Tactics is getting along and balance issues. It's been more than two months already since TFT's first release. Although it's
Riot Games has revealed the details for the 2019 LoL All-Stars Event. The All-Stars Event is a festival hosted by Riot Games for LoL communities and players around the world, inviting popular players
Pantheon has only just settled in the Teamfight Tactics battle arena, but he's already being moved aside as the 'latest addition to the roster'. Kai'Sa, the Daughter of the Void, is playable on TFT's
A highly anticipated change to Teamfight Tactics' items has made its way to the live servers in patch 9.18. No, the new item component and its accompanying new full items that are live on the PBE aren
An exciting shake-up awaits Teamfight Tactics: for the first time since its release, new items will be introduced. One of those is the item component Sparring Gloves which, when combined with any of t
As was teased by Teamfight Tactics developer Mort last Friday, the game mode's patch 9.17 is bringing an exciting new change: Pantheon is joining the roster. Costing 5 gold the warrior will be difficu
Popular Teamfight Tactics streamer William "Scarra" Li has expressed some of the criticism he has on Riot Games' autobattler. In a video reacting to fellow content creator MagikarpUsedFly's "Everythin
Two days after the Teamfight Tactics development released the 9.16B patch, next week's update was teased. According to Principal Game Designer, Stephen Mortimer, patch 9.17 is tentatively buffing, nerfing and reworking over one dozen units, items and interactions. Oh, and a new five-cost unit will be entering the arena as well...Pantheon.