On day 18 of the 2022 LCK Summer split, T1 faced Gen.G in the first match of the day. As these two titans collided in the match of the week, T1 took the 2-1 victory over Gen.G, giving them their first loss of the Summer split.
The following is a post-match interview with the mid laner for T1, Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok.
How do you feel about the victory?
Gen.G was undefeated until tonight, so we really wanted to beat them. I’m glad that we won such an important match.
You got your 500th LCK set win tonight.
I once talked about getting 500 wins in the LCK in an interview a while ago, and that day was tonight. I thought to myself that a long time has passed.
After you guys won tonight, Keria said that “We beat a team that we’re supposed to beat.” Do you agree with his statement?
I agree. They’re a team we beat before, so they are opponents that we definitely needed to beat.
T1’s 24-match win streak came to an end by Kwangdong Freecs. What did the team talk about after?
We told ourselves that we needed to be more alert. We aren’t performing as dominantly as we did in Spring, so it was an occasion to look back at everything.
Game 1 was a crushing defeat. Internally, what was the reason behind the loss that the team deduced?
Gen.G got a lot of champions that they like to play, so it was a hard game. We also made mistakes in the early game of game 1.
What was the game plan against your lane opponent, Chovy?
I focused on sticking to our team composition’s concept. Recently, my laning hasn’t been that great, so I was worried. However, the laning phase played out well tonight, so we were able to win.
There was a moment where you guys didn’t fight during Corki’s Package timing. Was this intentional?
In the recent patch, the cooldown on the Package got increased to six minutes. I think part of the reason why we were able to win was because we avoided all fighting during his Package timings.
Is there a teammate that you particularly want to thank tonight?
Oner gave me a lot of blue buffs tonight, so I’m thankful for that. Other players stole my CS, so I was a little annoyed at them [laughter].
You had a lead over Chovy in game 3 during the early game, but Chovy eventually got more CS than you and gained the lead back. Were you worried about the late game at all?
In the end, Zeus’ Gnar made a huge play. It was a moment where I felt funneling resources into him paid off.
Gumayusi’s Ezreal in game 3 got bursted down in front of the Baron pit; despite this, T1 was still able to win the 4 vs 5. Talk to us about that teamfight.
Despite Gumayusi’s Ezreal dying first, we felt that we could still win the 4 vs 5 if we didn’t make any more mistakes. We saw our opportunity when Gen.G started the Baron, and because Zeus’ Gnar got fed, we were able to fight back.
Are you disappointed that you weren’t named POG tonight?
A little bit, but I realized that I need to work harder, because my gameplay still has a long way to go until it reaches the top level. I think that my teammates receiving POG allows them to gain confidence and carry the game. It’s a win-win for all of us.
Now that you got your 500th win in the LCK, what’s next?
I don’t think I’ve shown my best performance just yet. I’ll make sure to raise my performance to the top level. Although we beat Gen.G tonight, there are other important matches. I’ll work hard and diligently.

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