Riot Games has announced to revert the format of the next Spring Season from the existing Best of 3 back to Best of 1 (BO1) via the official website on September 29th. Riot mentions in the announcemen
While watching the 'Worlds Play-In Stage', I started asking myself a question: "Why are teams banning those champions?"Arguably, the most "broken" item in the current Worlds patch is 'Ardent Censer',
Ever wanted to see top players from leagues around the world battle it out in the ultimate dream team tournament? This December, the All-Star Event is back - and more competitive than ever.
Today's editorial cartoon is about the relationship between the 'League of Legends World Championship' and the usage of the sixth man.Before we knew it, Worlds began. At the tournament, top teams from
Khan from Longzhu Gaming who was the protagonist of this Summer Split, showed his determination about making good results in the World Championship. Below is the video and full text of the interview at the Incheon Airport on October 2nd.
Ruler, placing himself No. 1 in solo-ranked in the Korean server, showed his determination about the World Championship on the day before leaving to China. Just like CuVee, he also had concerns about the food, and prepared more than 20 instant rice packs. Below is the video and full text of the interview.
Peanut from SKT talked about the shopping with Kuro before leaving for the World Championship. He said that he’s pleased with contact lenses he uses for the first time. Below is the video and full text of the interview at the Incheon Airport on October 2nd.
CuVee from Samsung Galaxy showed his determination about the league and thoughts of the Group C before leaving to China for the World Championship on October 2nd.
PraY from Longzhu Gaming faces his 5th World Championship this year. Here is the words of his determination for the World Championship before leaving to China on October 2nd.
Faker from SKT T1 revealed his thoughts about leaving to China for the 2017 World Championship. Below is the video and full text of the interview at the Incheon Airport on October 2nd.
LCK finally comes up! We took a video of three LCK teams departing for China for the 2017 Worlds. Let's listen to the feelings of the three LCK teams heading for the best stage in the world.
With the World Championship Group Stage ahead of him, Samsung Ruler (Jae Hyuk Park) reached rank 1 in Korean solo queue. On the 30th of September (Korean time), Ruler tweeted “Feels good to reac
Today, Longzhu Gaming, SKT T1, and Samsung Galaxy departed to China for the Group Stage of the 2017 Worlds. We took photos of the departure of the three LCK teams at the Incheon Airport. Let's check i
It’s no secret that, ever since the tank metagame came back, early games have stopped being action packed. Much to the disappointment of fans, scuttle control and invading the enemy jungle for v
[Full text of interveiw] Hi, my name is Weldon Green and I’m a sports psychology trainer, and I work mostly in professional League of Legends. I started taking a serious look at esports in 2012,
¤ In the LPL, a lot of LPL analysts don’t think Team WE is rank 3 but in fact much higher. How do you compare yourself from EDG and RNG? We did lose against EDG and RNG in the LPL but I t
¤ How did you prepare coming into these games and was this how you expect it to go in the best of 5 series? Yes.. but all I can say it that we expected to win the series. In my opinion, our gam
There are many different opinions of G2.One, they're seen as the best of Europe. Since 2016, they have won their regional league 4 consecutive times - there is no other team in the entire world that h
Illustration by 얼음몽둥이(Iceclub) Original upload:
Both Cloud 9 and Fnatic have been at the World Championships 3 times. During today’s matches, C9 and Fnatic both won their games 3 to 0 in the elimination stage. Cloud 9 had to vs against Lyon G