- RNG vs G2: "Happens every time at worlds... EU > NA. What is this EU buff"
- Samsung vs G2: "Ambition plays against Trick but kt Score loses"
- Fenerbahçe vs RNG, "WARNING - Vayne in solo-ranked inbound!!"
- G2 vs Fenerbahçe: "Now we need Teemo and Master Yi to come out"
- RNG vs Samsung: "Doing mediocre plays everyday... they just got kicked by Lee Sin"
In the 3rd game of the second day of week 2 in the group stage, Samsung Galaxy claims yet another win against G2 Esports. Grabbing their 4th win in groups, Samsung advances onto the quarterfinals.
Although having Ambition in the game would mean a very shaky early game presence, he made sure this game to secure the win by grabbing early objectives and squeezing out every lead possible. Because of this, Samsung would take the lead in team fights against G2 and securing the win.
In particular, there was a moment in this game which was reminiscent of the past. Baron smited and left with 2hp reminded us of a moment from kt Score’s games. The Korean community went crazy over this Baron smite, relating it to kt Score’s smiting abilities.
Below are gathered reactions from Koreans on the game: Samsung Galaxy vs G2 Esports.
▷ 3 Water dragons...regen OP
└ Water is good... that is a real Korean style meta.
※ Reference: Korea is a peninsula country surrounded by sea on three sides
▷ All you can eat for CuVee
└ How can Cho with that size even hide in a brush LOOL
└ Cruel man CuVee is...
└ Think Samsung is the biggest beneficiary from the Ardent Censer meta lel
▷ Going from 'It was Ardent Censer' to 'It was Samsung' (feat. CuVee can EAT~)
└ Eats krugs instead of team fighting. Priorities lol. He is just a huge krug with Warmogs...
└ G2 can’t do anything when they face Samsung...
└ Taking the game slow. G2 from start to finish took 0 towers from Samsung. Fenerbahçe and G2 combined took 0 towers from Samsung... GG
└ What a performance from Samsung… Clean games
▷ I wonder what Score was thinking when he saw Baron left with 2hp?
└ G(2) scored. Get it?
└ Even though Samsung and G2 was fighting… Score was the one suffering lel
└ Only bringing up bad memories for this super team. Score is the MVP of this match.

※ Reference : Score always missed Baron smite by 2hp and would get it stolen multiple times. Bad memories.
▷ Ambition : Didn’t I play good today?

└ CuVee : wait you died the most LOL

└ Looks like CuVee is going to get smacked hard by Ambition LOL
▷ Samsung G2 Baron left with 2hp.jpg

└ What? This wasn’t it?
└ I thought this was today’s game LOL
※ Reference : Score smiting early, leaving Baron with 2hp and getting it stolen.
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