Illustration by 뱁세오 Original upload:
Illustration by Qsun Original upload:
In the closing moments of Team ROCCAT's victory against Splyce on Jan. 26, Jonas “Memento” Elmarghichi was focused on the screen in front of him. Even though his team's victory was all but
Alongside Febiven and Pobelter, Fenix is also showing a good performance as a mid laner in NA LCS. On the 28th in NA LCS stadium, Echo Fox won against TSM in the first game of week 2. Echo Fox mid lan
Meeting with the former TSM jungler, C9 Svenskeren, Svenskeren seemed contempt and happy on the direction his team was going. Svenskeren explained that his coach, Reapered, was a coach like no other.
In the 2nd week first game of the NA LCS on the 28th, Clutch Gaming's LirA did not display a contempt face despite interviewing him shortly after the win against CLG. This is due to the constant invas
Meeting the head coach for TSM, Coach Ssong had a not so satisfied face. Although there was happiness from winning their first game after the initial 2 losses, Coach Ssong expressed that the performan
¤ How do you feel about your win today?I just feel like we did alright. Obviously, a win is a win right? We are happy that we won. Even though we won, we made a lot of mistakes. Because of this
On the 27th of January, Afreeca Freecs defeated ROX Tigers 2-0 and ended their losing streak. They are now placed 6th on the leaderboard with a record of 2W 2L. AFs jungler Lee “Spirit” Da
The Afreeca Freecs (AFs) defeated ROX Tigers 2-0 and collected their second win. AFs seemed to be shook up early in game 1, but with solid teamplay and good macro, they ended up destroying ROX's nexus
On January 27th, KDM defeated KSV 2-0. With the odds in the favor of KSV 88-12, not much anticipated KDM's victory. KDM displayed outstanding teamwork and were strong enough to defeat KSV. Especially,
On Saturday (KST), despite the odds, KDM shut out KSV 2-0. In game 1, KDM continued to dig into the weaknesses of KSV and dominated the game. In the following game 2, they were trailing, but turned th
On the 26th, on the 2nd series of the 8th day of the 2018 LCK Spring Split, KT Rolster defeated bbq Olivers with a score of 2-1. PawN added security and stability to the team and contributed to his te
bbq Olivers came in strong, but they weren't enough to stop the winners of the Telecom War, KT Rolster.On the 26th of January, KT faced off against BBQ and displayed near flawless teamfights and macro
On the 26th, atop the 'Gangnam Nexon Arena', the 1st series of the 8th day of the '2018 LCK Spring Split' took place, in which KZ defeated SKT with a score of 2-0. KZ was able to achieve this victory
On the 26th of January, 'Kingzone DragonX' secured their third win of the LCK Spring Split by taking down SKT T1 with a score of 2-0. In game 1, the match was drawn-out, and it was a close fight. Howe
The European League of Legends championship series had officially opened one week ago with a bang, with a repeat of the 2017 LCS Summer Playoff finals: Misfits Gaming vs. G2 Esports. The crowd was inv
KSV remained 1st in the leaderboard with a 3 game win streak.On the 25th of January (KST), at the 2018 LCK Spring split, KSV defeated Afreeca Freecs after a long match that continued after midnight wi
On the 25th of January (KST), ROX Tigers defeated Kongdoo Monster in the 2018 LCK Spring Split. The two teams had a fierce battle. The match went up to game 3. Yoon “SeongHwan” Seong-hwan
On the 25th of January (KST), ROX Tigers played against Kongdoo Monster. Like most matches in the recent meta, the matches were very close and long. ROX Tigers was the team to smile last, with the sup