Afreeca Freecs had quite an easy time defeating bbq Olivers. In game 1, the Freecs' botlane proved themselves to be superior over bbq, and took the victory without losing their lead, once. In game 2,
On the 31st, the 12th day of the LCK Spring Split began. Atop the Seoul OGN eStadium, Afreeca Freecs defeated bbq Olivers with a score of 2-0. Kramer displayed near perfect teamwork with TusiN, the pl
On the 31st, on the 1st series of the 12th day of the 2018 LCK, Kingzone DragonX took down ROX Tigers with a score of 2-0. Peanut's Nidalee constantly planted wards to provide vision for his team - as
Today's series was KZ's very first here at Sangam Studio. How do you feel taking your first victory here?There are rumors that games here at Sangam end up being long. We, however, played exactly like
Today's cartoon is about the mishmashed leaderboards worldwide. In major LoL leagues, there have always been firm favorites that stayed near the top of the leaderboard: SKT T1 of the LCK, TSM of the N
“We may stumble, but we never crumble.” SKT T1 coach Kim “kkOma” Jeong-gyun said this after SKT T1 won the 2016 LCK Spring Split. As if all the players were trying to prove tha
Madlife is coming back to the League of Legends pro scene as a caster temporarily.Madlife, one of the greatest support players in League of Legends history, will come on as a temporary substitute shou
On the 27th in the NA LCS stadium, 100 Thieves claimed victory over Team Liquid. Many who watched the game would put credit in the enormous impact Ryu had on Ryze. However credit where credit is due,
This is the full text of SUNY Canton's 1/30/2018 press release. CANTON, NY (01/30/2018)- SUNY Canton battled Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) in the college's first varsity esports showing on
"Giants Gaming a fini par embaucher une team médiocre, sans synergie. Aucun de ces joueurs ne peut être considéré comme étant un des meilleurs à son poste, n'a
"Giants Gaming ended up with a mediocre team without synergy, none of those players is top tier at their positions nor could constantly show good to great performances the past split." - Inven Global.
On the 30th of January, Jin Air Green Wings (JAG) shut out Kongdoo Monsters (KDM) 2-0 and ranked themselves at 4th on the leaderboard. Kwon “Wraith” Ji-min picked Taric and Orn to protect
The second match of day 11 of 2018 LCK Spring Split was Jin Air Green Wings (JAG) vs Kongdoo Monster (KDM). Last week, KDM defeated the undefeated KSV, and were on the top 4 of the leaderboard but the
On the 30th of January (KST), KSV defeated MVP 2-0 in the 2018 LCK Spring Split. KSV won game 1 with ease but had a hard time early in game 2. However, they concluded the match with outstanding skill
The 2018 LCK Spring Split match between MVP and KSV took place on the 30th of January (KST). KSV defeated MVP 2-0 and returned to first place with their 4th victory. Although their winning streak ende
Team : Model : MyBoo Photo : Isoria Original upload:
Illustration by 무법자탈론 Original upload:
Illustration by 초록식물 Original upload:
Illustration by 사과맛있쪙 Original upload:
Illustration by 발뚱땡이 Original upload: