It's no secret that Pantheon is a problem. He has been banned in all but one single Play-In Stage game, and was, of course, immediately first picked and won the game. But this has been problematic before, and it needs to be fixed.
At international events, there are always exciting narratives. There are also always stories writers want to write, but can't. Here are the stories we never told - the stories we wanted to tell, but couldn't.
On the 25th (KST), Jin Air Green Wings have announced that they have mutually parted ways with the head coach of the League of Legends squad, Han 'H Dragon' Sang-yong.
Now that the Worlds 2019 Group Stage has concluded, it's time to see who performed the best amongst their peers in their respective roles. This is Inven Global's Worlds 2019 Group Stage All-Pro Team.
I've complained about it countless times, how does one choose a single MVP out of all the best players in the World? It's easy! Just choose Faker! Read why Faker deserves the title this time and who was on his heels.
How does it feel to be on the desk for this Worlds specifically? It's awesome. Obviously, I've done desk work in EU for such a long time, but I haven't gotten the chance to do the main event Group Sta
On the 23rd (KST), Hanhwa Life Esports announced that the captain and the ADC for the League of Legends team, Gwon ‘Sangyoon' Sang-yun has retired.
Sixteen teams participated in the Group Stage of the 2019 League of Legends World Championship, and in fifty total games, they all agreed on one thing: Pantheon is busted.
Teamfight Tactics Set 2 is all live for PBE players to test and explore! Here are all of the new champs, Elements, Traits, mechanics, and items so far! Which is your favorite addition? What else do you hope they add?
Riot Mort (@Mortdog on Twitter) has posted a long, in-depth update on all the changes made to Teamfight Tactics on the PBE for today's launch of the TFT Set 2 testing. Check out the change log here!
Ever since Riot Games released Teamfight Tactics over three months ago, the development team has been learning, growing, and listening to the community for feedback. It hasn't always been seamless and mistakes have been made along the way. But they're willing to acknowledge that and work towards improving the game that countless fans enjoy around the world. On Tuesday morning, Stephen Mortimer, the title's Principal Game Designer, released a blog post on League of Legend's official site titled "/DEV: TFT SET 1 LEARNINGS" that outlined just that: What the team has learned in the first few months since the game went live.
Bang, Inven Global’s special correspondent had a chance to chat with the ADC for DAMWON, Sin ‘Nuclear’ Jeong-hyeon backstage to talk about today’s victories, and how far his squad hopes to make it in the tournament.
While it might make the average LCS fan feel better just to chalk it up to Worlds being on European soil, as it was in 2015 when the NALCS' infamous 'Week 2 0-10' occured, there's many factors to consider when analyzing what led to such a disappointing performance from North America at the World Championship. Let's take a look at how the LCS teams' Worlds 2019 performances compared to their respective expectations.
Today's cartoon is all about the different stories in the LoL scene from the past week.
On the 19th, SK Telecom T1 made it to the Knockout Stage of the 2019 LoL World Championship with a 5-1 record in Group C, known as the ‘group of death'. After they've secured a spot in the
The Worlds 2019 Group Stage has finally come to a close, and with it, NA's time at Worlds. The bracket has been set, and the teams will go on to prepare for their respective Bo5s in hopes of claiming the title. There is one final Group Stage MVP to be awarded, and today it goes to ShowMaker!
The 2019 League of Legends World Championship Group Stage has come to a close. 16 teams participated in the Group Stage, and now that the dust has settled, only 8 teams are headed to the Knockout Stage. Let's take a look back at the highlights and takeaways from the games over the past nine days before the competition continues next weekend in Madrid.
The cards have been shuffled, played, and the winners have been declared. After 10 days the 2019 League of Legends World Championship's Groups Stage concluded with Group D determining which two teams
Each Quarterfinals match will be a best-of-five series in which the losers will go home, while the winners will remain in Madrid for the Semifinals in the first week of November.
On the 20th, IG took down Team Liquid on the last day of the group stages in the 2019 LoL World Championship. In this do or die match for the very last ticket into the quarterfinals, the defending world champions took down NA's final hope in a dominating fashion.