- LCK Interview T1's Head Coach Kim: "Truth be told, who in the right mind would have Teddy sit on the side lines?" Apr 9, 2020
- LCK Interview T1 Teddy: "In Game 2, I wanted the game to go on longer so that I can show off, but Effort ended that game quickly, so it sucks that the game ended so early." Apr 9, 2020
- Interview [LCS Spring Playoffs] 100 Cody Sun after loss to TSM: "I just feel like I could have played better.." Apr 8, 2020 1
- Interview [EU Masters] Vitality Steeelback remembers his time in the LFL and comments on upcoming talent Apr 8, 2020
- Interview GEN Bdd: "Our goal isn’t simply to go straight to the finals. We need to bring up our performances and look further into the future." Apr 8, 2020
- Interview GRF Ucal: "Honestly, whenever I played Zoe in official matches, I really sucked (Laughs)." Apr 8, 2020
- Interview MAD Lions coach Kaas talks facing G2 and the new generation of LEC superstars Apr 7, 2020
- Interview Solo: "I'm doing everything I can to make it worth it to [FlyQuest] to show how grateful I am." Apr 6, 2020
- Interview Hearthstone developers share how they created the Demon Hunter class Apr 6, 2020
- Interview [LCS Spring Playoffs] EG Svenskeren: "Either NA is trash...or we're actually good. Hard to say." Apr 5, 2020
- Interview GRF Viper and Untara talks about stopping their 10-game losing streak Apr 5, 2020
- LCK Interview DWG BeryL: "ShowMaker said that today was the day to play Corki." Apr 5, 2020
- LCK Interview DRX Deft: "I don’t think Pentakills and I have a great relationship." Apr 4, 2020
- LCK Interview DRX Chovy: "It wasn’t my penta, so I just quickly destroyed the Nexus." Apr 4, 2020
- LCK Interview SB GorillA: "I think that there was a bit of the 'EU fiesta' left in me." Apr 4, 2020
- LCK Interview APK HyBriD: "The most crucial thing about it all is doing everything together, whether it’s having a meal or going back to the team house." Apr 4, 2020
- LCK Interview DWG ShowMaker: "Nuguri strongly recommended for me to buy Cull on Zoe." Apr 3, 2020
- LCK Interview T1 Cuzz: "I’ve always played the way my team wants... Usually, in solo queue, I enjoy playing defensively to scale and carry." Apr 3, 2020
- LCK Interview T1 Effort on Faker's Lethal Tempo Akali: "He made a mistake during the draft." Apr 3, 2020
- LCK Interview GEN Clid: "When I played against T1, I had mixed feelings... " Apr 3, 2020
- LCK Interview GEN Rascal on Bdd's upcoming 1,000th kill: "No one said a single word about that. When Ruler got his 1,000th kill, no one knew as well." Apr 3, 2020
- LCS Interview [Academy Spring Playoffs] TSM Spica: "...I have confidence that we will be able to take on DIG"." Apr 2, 2020
- LCK Interview DRX Doran: "I want to give myself a 10 (out of 10). I've showed everything I got today." Apr 2, 2020
- LCK Interview DWG Ghost: "We just need 11 consecutive wins to go straight to the finals. That number is now at 2, so I'll make sure to add 9 more to go straight to the LCK finals." Apr 2, 2020
- Interview FLY PowerOfEvil: "I think Solo is bringing a lot of mechanical value to the team." Apr 1, 2020
- LCK Interview T1 Teddy: "There’s a restaurant that I often go to. I wish they give me an ad. I really go there often." Apr 1, 2020
- LCK Interview T1 Faker on sedans vs sports cars: "I like what’s comfortable. I focus on cars' functions. I don’t mind how it looks." Apr 1, 2020 1
- Interview Origen Alphari: "I'm definitely one of the best at laning in the LEC, but there certainly are other good Top Laners in Europe." Apr 1, 2020
- LCK Interview KT TusiN: "It feels that as my beard gets longer, the winning streak is also getting longer." Apr 1, 2020
- LCK Interview DRX Deft makes important announcement on April 1st: "I'm an alpaca." Apr 1, 2020
- LCK Interview DRX Deft: "When I heard that I was the POG, I changed into our uniform. I can’t play wearing nothing... I have sweat pants on." Apr 1, 2020
- Interview GG Goldenglue: "I already proved I deserve to be here...I'm trying to prove I'm the best." Mar 31, 2020
- Interview Excel Tore: "If you're not going to give it your all just because you're disappointed, you're not a good player." Mar 31, 2020
- Interview Immortals Xmithie on missing Playoffs: "I apologize to our fans, this won't happen again." Mar 30, 2020
- Interview 100 Thieves Top Laner Ssumday on facing Cloud9 in Spring Playoffs: "We have nothing to lose." Mar 30, 2020
- Interview C9 Vulcan: "...I didn't want LCS Player of the Week to get in the way of denying TL the playoffs." Mar 29, 2020
- LCK Interview KT Aiming: "Truth be told, I’m confident with all Marksman Champions. (Not just on Ezreal, but) I think I can outperform anyone else." Mar 29, 2020
- LCK Interview APK HyBriD: "We’re all really close, so although no one would feel salty over stealing the Penta, I think that the feeling of unison was bigger within the team." Mar 29, 2020
- LCK Interview T1 Ellim: "I believe that Clid is currently the best Jungler out there. If I get to start against Gen.G, I don’t think it’s going to be easy." Mar 29, 2020
- LCK Interview T1 Faker: "I think that Cuzz is like our secret weapon, so we saved the best for last." Mar 29, 2020
- Interview Shad0w's road to the LEC: dropping out of school to pursue esports stardom Mar 28, 2020
- LCK Interview DRX Chovy on their previous losing streak: "We knew well about the reason we lost so we weren’t worried." Mar 28, 2020