As Hearthstone celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, following the journey from a toy workshop to a vacation resort, it now ventures into the vast expanse of space.
For Inven's exclusive card reveal for Hearthstone's new expansion, Perils in Paradise, there are four cards! The cards are Sanc'Azel, Lifeguard, Grillmaster, and Power Spike. Sanc'Azel ◆ Class: Paladi
The Galactic Projection Orb Class: Mage Rarity: Legendary Type: Spell Mana: 10 School: Arcane Recast a random sepll of each Cost you've cast this game (targets enemies if possible). Hidden Objects Cla
Fye the Setting Sun Class: Druid Rarity: Legendary Type: Minion/Dragon Mana: 9 Stats: 4/12 Rush, Lifesteal, Taunt, Costs (1) less for each Dragon you've summoned this game. Developer's Comment: Fye's
Kologarn Class: Neutral Rarity: Legendary Type: Minion Mana: 8 Stats: 6/10 Rush. Whenever this attacks a minion, put it in your hand. Deathrattle: Move any in your hand to your opponent's. Developer's
Blackrock ‘n' Roll Class: Warrior Rarity: Legendary Type: Spell Mana: 5 Give all minions in your deck Attack and Health equal to their Cost. Developer's comment: Voone's hardcore fanbase started
Diablo 3 was released in 2012, about 10 years after Diablo 2, which enhanced the action and convenience by a big margin. Not only has it become more comfortable to play, the addictive item farming met
Asvedon, the Grandshield Class: Warrior Rarity: Legendary Type: Minion Mana: 3 Stats: 3/3 Battlecry: Cast a copy of the last spell your opponent played. Developer comment: As the leader of the spellbr
Pelagos Class: Priest Rarity: Legend Type: Minion Mana: 3 Stats: 1/6 After you cast a spell on a friendly minion, set its Attack and Health to the higher of the two. Hearthstone's new expansion, Murde