BlizzCon is drawing near. Just a few more days until the Anaheim convention center is host to Blizzard announcements, developer panels and esports tournaments. Like every year, Team 5 will announce the theme for the final Hearthstone expansion of the year. The last weeks have been unusually quiet, without even a single teaser being dropped, but today we finally got one.
The clairvoyant priest Madame Lazul speaks to the audience about the League of EVIL's plan finally coming together. After they had stolen the entire city of Dalaran in this year's first expansion and were seemingly stopped before they could steal something from Uldum by the Explorer's League, they have set their eyes on Northrend.
In the trailer the Wyrmrest temple can be seen. In the Warcraft lore, this temple is where the five Dragon Aspects—Ysera, Malygos, Alexstrasza, Nozdormu, and Neltharion (who'd later become Deathwing)—gathered for meetings. In front of the temple the skeleton of the most powerful dragon of all time can be seen: Galakrond. Before being defeated by the five Dragon Aspects, Galakrond unleashed his fury upon Azeroth, squashing and devouring everything he came across.

The dragon theme ties in with Hearthstone's celestial "Year of the Dragon", but it's not exactly sure how the dragons will show up. Is the League of EVIL trying to resurrect the monstrous fire breather?
In the teaser video, Madame Lazul tries to read her tarot cards, but they outcome keeps changing. She eventually turns to the viewer and says that they'll have to choose the victor. Could the fate of Azeroth lie in our hands?
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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