On the 18th, G2 Esports defeated Hong Kong Attitude and Cloud9 in order, on their way to secure the 1st seed in their group at the 2019 LoL World Championship. After their win against Cloud9, Rasmus “Caps” Winther joined Park Jeesun in a post-game interview to talk about a few things.

What was the mindset that you had going into the C9 game?
I’m not really sure. I think we just had the same mindset every game. We just try to play our best. Obviously, there might be some things we don’t want to show, and some things that are better on best of 5s some things that are better on best of 1s. I’m pretty happy with what I’ve showed so far. I didn’t play too many different champs, I just played a few. I think nothing too special.
A lot of teams are just picking Ryze a lot in this tournament and G2 is also picking him in top and mid lane. When is the situation you pick Ryze and lock him in in different lanes?
I think Ryze is a really strong pick. It has been dead for a while, it had like a nerf at some point, so people have stopped playing it. But the thing is that it's a flex and pretty safe, has a lot of good matchups. We just wanted to try it out because we saw FPX have priority on Splyce. So we wanted to try it out ourselves to see how it would work for us. So far it went pretty good with it and we'll keep experimenting and see which champions we want to play.
I know that your father's here with you, supporting you throughout Worlds. What is it like to have such a great supporting dad and is there any message you'd like to send him?
It's really nice to have my dad here. Especially now that it's in Europe, it makes it a lot easier for my family to get here. I'm really happy that they're in the crowd supporting me. I just want to thank them, obviously, I also know my family watching at home are sending me nice messages so I'm really grateful for the family I have, and I just hope I can make them proud.
Lastly, you're next opponent will be Griffin, which would decide who's first seed. What's your mindset going into that game?
We will go up against Griffin, we will have two chances, so it's going to be kind of like a best of 3 in a way. We just have to get one of the wins. I think we just need to keep doing what we're doing already, and just play our best champions to try to secure the first seed.
A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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