Teamfight Tactics, Riot Games' auto-chess title, allows players to build unit combinations to out-wit, out-power and out-play their opponents. Well, according to members of the development team, one such blend of units is a little too strong at the moment.
In the upcoming 9.14B patch, which is slated to go live on Wednesday and include numerous tweaks, Assassins' critical damage bonus for assembling three or six units will be nerfed by an estimated 26%.
Over the weekend, one of Riot's developers shared the news on Twitter and one of the game's competitive subReddits (r/CompetitiveTFT).

The change to the above units will, hopefully, lessen the one-shot potential of a six Assassin team composition on squishier units in opposing team's backlines. Currently, a team consisting of six Assassins and four Ninjas is quite prominent at high-level play. Although vague, the developer included a message stating that "some stuff" will be done to Ninja, which may impact the lethality of both synergies.
With the patch going live in two days, aggro Assassin/Ninja player's time to shine in the meta may be fleeting.
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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