Another day, another Dota Underlords patch. Titled "I hear voices", Valve has implemented yet another feature deeply desired by the community: hero voicelines. When fans of the autobattler genre still had to default to Dota Auto Chess, at the end of a won round one of your heroes would let out a celebratory cry. They'd also make some noise when upgraded to a higher tier or when bought from the shop.
This feature had disappeared in Dota Underlords - until today. Well, partially. As a start, 11 heroes have been given their vocal cords back: Doom, Drow Ranger, Enchantress, Lina, Luna, Mirana, Shadow Fiend, Phantom Assassin, Queen of Pain, Templar Assassin and Windranger. The voicelines aren't just straight copies from Dota 2 either. Valve has stated it would record completely new ones for their brand new game.
Another features the patch introduces is a tooltip that shows XP progress and, more importantly, the odds of rolling a certain hero tier in the shop.

- Large performance improvements have been done on all platforms.
- Improved network connectivity and ping time for iOS and Android users outside the US.
- The following units got their voices back:
- Doom
- Drow
- Enchantress
- Lina
- Luna
- Mirana
- Shadow Fiend
- Phantom Assassin
- Queen of Pain
- Templar Assassin
- Windranger
- Added tooltip to the player's level that shows their XP progress and odds of rolling each tier of hero in the shop. On mobile this is accessible from within the shop.
- Added mobile icons to party members.
- Default Camera distance adjusted to a default of 825.
- Fixed Key Bindings changes not being saved.
- Added Ability mana cost to season Info panel.
- Fixed Victory screen not being displayed if you won the game which begs the question: Did you really win?
- Global Sounds removed with the feature going back in the lab.
- Improved the quality of the dragging effects when manipulating units.
- Fixed being able to click on an item you did not earn if you lost a Loot Round.
- Fixed Sword and Shield icons on the leaderboard not displaying if you were attacking and defending against the same player.
- Fixed Enigma's ambient FX to work for both bench and on the ground.
- Enigma midnight pulse updated to be square shaped.
- Added ability icons to the mobile shop for all abilities.
- Fixed cooldown multiplier display when inspecting a unit.
- Many improvements have been done to the Unit Query UI.
- Fixed not being able to view the inventory of a dead player.
- Fixed ability tooltip not showing lore.
- Clicking outside the shop now closes it.
- Hovering global items that affect specific types of units will highlight those units.
- Alliance Highlight Mode: Highlight bench units differently if putting them on the board would not advance the Alliance.
- Fixed in-game Season Info hero page starting empty by default when the user has no units yet.
- Added info button to units in the PC shop to get more information about that hero.
- Roshan is back from vacation. He didn't bring anything for anyone.
Gameplay Changes:
- Medusa: Split Shot extra shot damage reduction changed: [-40, -30, -20 ] -> -40.
- Kunkka: Ghostship crash cell size changed: [2, 3, 4] -> [2, 2, 3].
- Basher: Fixed only going off once per battle.
- Black King Bar: Purges the user on activation.
- Juggernaut: Blade Fury purges on activation.
- Slardar: Amp Damage is now purgeable.
- Knights Alliance: Default damage reduction changed: [ -15, -25, -35 ] -> [ -15, -20, -30 ].
- Knights Alliance: Adjacent to other knights damage reduction changed: [ -20, -25, -30 ] -> [ -15, -20, -25 ].
- Human Alliance Silence: Is now purgeable.
- Blight Stone: Fixed stacking on every hit. It will stack if different units are attacking with it.
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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