Did you miss them? The braggadocious Reno Jackson, the joyful Brann Bronzebeard, the clever Elise Starseeker and the bold Sir Finley Mrrgglton - otherwise known as the League of Explorers? Well don't worry friend, they might make another entry in the Hearthstone universe.
The official Hearthstone Twitter account just posted a short video teasing the arrival of the four heroes, possibly for the next Hearthstone expansion.
With the League of EVIL trying to overthrow Dalaran in the Rise of Shadows, Hearthstone's latest expansion, it seems only fitting that a league of good-doers would try and stop the evil plans of Rafaam, Dr. Boom, Hagatha, King Togwaggle and Madame Lazul.
Last time the League of Explorers were around the popular Discover mechanic was introduced. We'll likely have to wait a bit to find out what they're up to this time though. If we follow Blizzard's regular release schedule for expansions the next one won't go live until somewhere in August. But hey, we'll take teasers and card reveals in the meantime!
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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