The autobattler genre is moving at lightning speed. Just this January developer Drodo Studio published the Dota 2 mod Auto Chess, which grew into a phenomenon within weeks. Following that explosive growth both Riot Games and Valve announced standalone projects: Teamfight Tactics and Dota Underlords, respectively. That latter one has already reached an impressive milestone: over 120,000 concurrent players merely one day after open beta launch.
The surge is sudden, but not surprising. Yesterday Dota Underlords left its semi-closed beta stage - during which the game peaked around 35k concurrent players - and launched open beta. And not just on PC either. Valve simultaneously made Dota Underlords available on iOS and Android too, with crossplay and "pick up where you left off" features enabled.

into open beta at 21:00 CEST on June 20th. Data by Steam Database.
On Twitter, community figure Wykhrm Reddy phrased the 100k concurrent players mark somewhat ambiguously - he said it was reached "through Steam alone". He later explained that it 'kind of' did include mobile users - everyone who has signed in on Steam in the mobile version of Dota Underlords is also counted. Users who play offline against bots, however, aren't factored in.
In spite of the rapid increase in player numbers, Dota Underlords is still defeated on Twitch by competitor Teamfight Tactics from Riot Games at the moment. While not accessible to everyone to begin with - and even for people with a PBE account there's a massive queue - League of Legends' vastly larger playerbase pushed Teamfight Tactics to the top of Twitch's charts at one point. At the time of writing Dota Underlords has 18.6k concurrent viewers - Teamfight Tactics has 67k.
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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Comments :1
level 1 SeCTeen
To be fair, LoL's exposure is due to Twitch-Riot partnership and Bounties. So the comparison isn't really fair.