On the 15th, at the Seoul LoL Park, Day 9 of the 2019 LCK Summer Split took place. On the second series of the day, SANDBOX Gaming defeated SK Telecom T1 with a score of 2-0. With this victory, SB is now 3-1 and tied with KZ, GRF, and AF in terms of games won.
The following is an interview with SB Dove.

You dominated SK Telecom T1. How do you feel?
Alongside the victory, I also won the MVP title. I'm extremely happy. Today is SB's 4-year anniversary since it was established, so it's even more meaningful.
You've been playing consecutively against teams who are considered very strong.
I was always very nervous during the spring split. I'm no longer as nervous, and I'm doing exactly what I'm told this summer. I've adapted pretty well.
Not many people overseas are familiar with SB. What kind of team is SB, and what kind of a mid laner are you?
SB is a team where its players do whatever they want on stage. I believe this trait is what makes us strong this meta. During the spring split, many people stated that my playstyle is similar to that of Kuro's. I'm a type of player that would rather support and blend in with his team than overpower the enemy player from the laning phase. I'll play a lot better this summer, so please expect more from me.
Comet joined SB as the team's coach this summer. How's the team atmosphere?
The atmosphere was always good. So instead of trying to better the atmosphere, coach Comet simply blended in with SB. He's a very helpful coach.
Why do you think SB is on such a good start this summer?
We're a lot less hesitant. If you hesitate, you'll unnecessarily prolong the game.
If you don't hesitate, you'll be quicker with your decisions, and even if you make the wrong decision, you'll be able to quickly follow up with a plan B.
You defeated Griffin and SKT. As a player that played against both Chovy and Faker, was there a big difference between those two players?
Hmm... I guess you can say that Chovy is an all-around solid player. He's a flawless mid laner. As for Faker, he's similar, but looking at the current results, I think Chovy is a bit better.
What's your opinion on the current mid lane meta?
In my opinion, I think more 'unorthodox' champions need to see play in the mid lane. Like the mid Camille for example. I think it's better to pick a mid lane champion that can strengthen the team's composition rather than simply picking to focus on the laning phase.
Like you mentioned, SKT played Camille in the mid lane. Did you expect such a pick? What's your opinion on it?
When our team saw SKT picking Ryze and Camille, we predicted that they might play Camille in the mid lane. We had a stronger team composition, so I expected our team to win, as long as we didn't make a big mistake during the early-to-mid game. We still had a hard time in the early game, however.
As a mid laner, what's your opinion on the Ryze rework?
I played him once in solo queue. If you can get used to his new playstyle, I think the rework could be considered a buff. I think it's a good patch.
You're on a streak. What's your personal goal this summer?
I prefer setting a realistic goal, then slowly but steadily climb upward. My current goal is to at least place 4th this split. Who knows, we might place ever higher.
Any last words for the fans?
I can really tell that we're getting a lot more fans. I'm really thankful. Please continue to cheer for us, and we'll repay you with great performance.
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