On the 8th, Day 4 of the 2019 LCK Summer Split took place. On the second series of the day, Griffin defeated DAMWON Gaming with a score of 2-0. Throughout the series, Tarzan showed great teamwork with Chovy and Sword, and he made crucial plays that cemented Griffin's lead in both games.
The following is an interview with GRF Tarzan.

It must've been heartbreaking for GRF when they had lost the 2019 LCK Spring Finals, especially since it was their second shot at becoming the LCK champions. As an individual, how did you feel?
Last summer, it was very painful because we lost to a comeback. This year's Spring Finals wasn't as bad because we simply underperformed. After the matches, every player on our team was heartbroken, but no one cried. We simply accepted the defeat.
At the Spring Finals, GRF played the Taliyah-Pantheon comp twice. Why did you guys pick that duo again after losing with it in game 1? Are there any regrets?
We don't regret anything. Even if we can go back in time, we'd still pick the same composition. Everyone on the team wanted to give the Taliyah-Pantheon a second shot because, during feedback after game 1, everyone was confident that it was winnable. We simply made a mistake in game 3. It was our fault that we lost.
It's known that GRF helped SKT during the MSI. Do you think the scrims with SKT helped GRF, too? Were you able to find SKT's weaknesses and strengths?
We scrimmed against the LCK champions, so I think it helped both teams.
What did you think of this year's MSI?
It feels every region is now on equal footing. Everyone seems to be equally skilled, and one mistake can decide the outcome of a game. I didn't watch every single game played at the tournament, but it was definitely a meaningful MSI.
By defeating DWG, GRF is now on a winning streak. Why do you think GRF is so powerful against DWG? It felt like you were reading DWG's jungler like a book.
I don't know how DWG's players feel, but since we have always won against them, we feel little to no pressure when we play them. I was only able to predict DWG's jungler because our team had the vision advantage, nothing more.
Do you think Griffin will reach the LCK Finals three consecutive times?
I think we'll be able to tell at the end of round 1. Every LCK team's goal is to win, not just our team, so we need to work harder and harder to stay ahead. It'd be fantastic to reach the Finals again and win.
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