On June 3rd (KST), the 2019 LCK Summer Split Media Day was held. Players and coaches from the teams of LCK came and spoke of their excitements, expectations about the upcoming season. After the official media day event, we were able to catch up with Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok to ask a few questions.

How have you been since the MSI?
We started practicing right away. There wasn’t much of a break; it was just practice.
In all interviews you give, you said you learned a lot from this MSI. What did you learn the most?
In MSI, we lost to G2 five times. Their style is unconventional, so we learned a lot about the strengths of that style. Also, while we were preparing for the MSI matches, we were able to find the potential to improve our communication.
Do you practice based on what G2 made you feel?
We knew the LPL style well, and we were able to prepare for them. But we weren’t able to prepare for Europe. It’s not that we’re practicing to be unconventional; what we’re doing is how to deal with those methods fluently.
A new mid laner substitute, Gori, was added in the roster. How is he?
Gori is a player that’s really good in solo queue. His plays are very aggressive, but I wasn’t able to get that close to him yet.
Whose performance within the team are you looking forward to the most?
We’re practicing, but we’re still just preheating our engine, so I’m not very sure. We’re all doing our best.
A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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