On the 7th of March, at the Seoul LoL Park, the 30th day of the 2019 LCK Spring Split took place. On the first series of the day, SANDBOX Gaming defeated DAMWON Gaming with a score of 2-1. The series was hard fought, as the two sides exchanged blows back and forth.
The following is an interview with the MVP titlists of today's series, Joker and OnFleek.

You've won your very first MVP title today, Joker. How do you feel?
Joker: I knew that I'd win the title oneday... I just didn't know it'd be today.
Were you disappointed that you didn't win any until today?
Joker: Although there are regrets regarding the MVP title, I'm more happy about our team's victory than anything else.
You displayed great performance on Jax today. How do you feel about your victory?
OnFleek: Today's match was very important for us. Our victory was very meanaingful as it was against a strong team.
During the pick & bans of game 1, you guys had picked Braum really early on. What was going through your mind when taking Braum?
Joker: During practice, we realized that Braum is a very strong pick. So we decided that we can pick him early during the drafting phase.
Was it your idea to pick him today?
Joker: I wanted to pick him, and so did our team.
After picking Braum, DAMWON Gaming picked two melee champs against you guys. Were you confident that you could win at that point?
Joker: In game 1, I knew that we were at an advantage from the mid game. In game 2, during the final teamfight, I had thought that we could win... but the outcome came out differently.
In game 3, OnFleek, you picked Jax. Was he a pick that you had prepared before today's match?
OnFleek: Jax is a champion that could be picked at any time, depending on the team's composition.
Joker, you're currently the team captain of SANDBOX. Does your coaching staff grant you a lot of authority within the team?
Joker: They show me support for everything: macro-wise, pick-wise, and just about everything else. They have a lot of trust in me. Thanks to them, I can play confidently.
What's your opinion on Joker leading the team?
OnFleek: I'm doing my best to follow his orders. The results aren't bad at all.
Your next match is against Griffin. Do you have anything to say regarding it?
Joker: Rather than simply defeating them, 7 I want our team to prepare well for the match and play a win-win match with Griffin.
OnFleek: Even if we lose the match, I'm hoping that we learn a lot from it.
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