SKT T1 defeated Gen.G 2-0 on the 2nd day of week 6 for the LCK 2019 Spring Season. SKT T1 outplayed Gen.G in both game 1 and 2, getting 2 easy wins. Faker, the mid laner for SKT T1, played a big part in helping his team win easily with his Lissandra plays. Following is the post-match interview with Faker.
Congratulations on your victory today! How do you feel about winning against Gen.G again?
We were on a winning streak until we lost against DAMWON Gaming. It feels great that we won against Gen.G again. I’d like to make it to 2nd place in Round 2 as well. If possible, 1st place, too.
It’s already been 6 years since you made your debut.
Mata had his 6-year anniversary recently as well -- it feels like he won (Laughs). I appreciate how many people came to congratulate me. It’s been 6 years although I don’t think I’ve played that long so I think I will be able to play longer.
You’ve played against Roach and Fly today.
I played against Roach in our last game [against Gen.G] so I was prepared to play against him today. I played against both players and it felt like they both had similar play styles with a few differences. It wasn’t hard to play against them since I had experience playing against two different laners on the same day before.
Gen.G picked Karthus in game 2. How did it feel like playing against him?
If you think about Gen.G’s playing style, I think their Karthus pick was meant to put more focus on helping out their bot laners. I also picked Lissandra so that I can help our bot laners scale hard. It wasn’t like we expected Karthus get picked in the first place but we were still able to play against them easily.
Each game seems to become more and more intense in Round 2.
Right now, we are placed 3rd but there isn’t much gap between our team and other teams placed below us in the standings. Unless Griffin losses in the remaining matches, it will be impossible for us to be placed 1st so the match against SANDBOX Gaming will be crucial for us.
You’ll be playing against Kingzone DragonX next. How do you think it will go?
Our next match will be a crucial one to decide our place in the standings. We will try our best to be prepared.
Zed got buffed. Do you think he will be a good pick?
He wasn’t a great pick before (Laughs). He’s viable now and if the circumstances let us, he might get picked. One thing I’m sure is that he will get picked before Garen does.
Lastly, is there anything you’d like to say?
This is what I say all the time -- I’d like to thank everyone for their support. Also, I made a new Twitter account recently and hope that many people would come visit it.
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