RapidStar is a coach who has proven his ability throughout various regions. He’s had successful careers with SKT, one of the best teams in the world, and EDG, the inaugural champion of MSI. Now, He is with Cloud 9.
RapidStar told us that there is a feeling he experiences, one that he felt when he was part of those team. It’s a feeling he gets when his team seems undefeatable. According to him, Cloud 9 is only one step away from that.
The following is our interview with Cloud 9 coach Min-sung “RapidStar” Jung.

Q.Cloud 9 has shown marvelous performance recently. They made a dramatic reversal during the match with FlyQuest
Q. You’ve got 7-2 at the end of spring split round 1. How do you feel about the results?
Actually, I can't say I’m satisfied with our performance. To be competitive in the international stage, we need to dominate the LCS region first. When we look back on the matches we played, there wasn't a match where we didn’t make any mistakes or one where we dominated the opponents. We still have some steps to go.
Simply put, we have to minimize mistakes such as meaningless deaths, positioning, and so on.
Q. Looking at the first-round standings of the LCS, does it match with your expectations
Definitely not. There is a team that [I thought] would have gotten better results. It's Clutch Gaming. They have potential; each players' abilities are good. But they have troubles with playing as a team. They could be a better team if they solve the team-game issue.
Fly Quest is a team that got better results than I expected. I was a bit worried after Saintvicious left Fly Quest. However, the new coach Gabriel has been doing a really good job. Fly Quest got better results with new coaches and players.
Q. Can you rate all of the Cloud 9 players from zero to ten?
It's hard to rate. They are all good now. I want to rate Cloud 9 as a team, instead. I'd like to give a 7 to my team; it's certainly not the best performance. I hope I can help my team get better results. My personal goal is to make Cloud 9 appear undefeatable.
I won the LCK and LPL leagues before. At that time, I felt a feeling. A feeling I felt when I was in SKT and EDG. It made me think that my team was one of the top teams in the league; no one could beat us. Could 9 is just in front of that phase. I believe we can be a champion if we just get in that phase.

Q. Who do you think will deliver the greatest performance, when/if Cloud 9 goes to MSI
Svensenkeren. He has a lot of experience. He broke through his limit by advancing to the semi-finals last year. As far as I know, he always stayed in the group stage. His performance has been good so far. He will do better in the future. I can't imagine him being dominated by other
Players in the academy are good as well. Cloud 9’s roster is so broad and they are ready to get in-game. I believe any of our academy players could do better than mediocre players in the LCS. Blaber and Goldenglue have already shown their skill. The others will show theirs' when they get a chance.
Q. It seems like you are quite happy with Cloud 9.
Definitely. The players are good; Jack is good too. I have known Repeared for a long time. There's good synergy with him.
Q. Do you want to be a head coach again?
There were several teams who wanted to be with me. But I'm happy with Cloud 9 now. Even though I still want to be a head coach again, I want to be with Cloud 9 as long as I can.
Q. In each region, Which team do you think will come to MSI?
For the LCK, Griffin or SKT. I think Griffin has a higher possibility. For the LCS, Cloud 9 of course (laugh). RNG or IG would come to MSI. Funplus Phoenix is the highest team in the LPL, but I believe RNG and IG have advantages when they get in BO5. For the LEC, G2 Esports.
Q. It has been quite a long time since you’ve spoken to the fans. Is there anything you’d like to say them?
I always appreciate Cloud 9 fans. We will give you better performance and make you happy for supporting Cloud 9.
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Comments :1
level 1 Turtqies
Cloud 9 Could 9, that has to be meme'd next match.