On the 14th (KST), SANDBOX Gaming defeated Jin Air Green Wings 2:0 in the 2019 LCK Spring Split.
Jin Air was desperate for a win. For this series, they used their mid laner, Cheongo as top and to go against SANDBOX's Summit. However, it was not enough to take down this monstrous team. First off, they couldn't suppress Summit's performance. Also, their jungler and bottom laner, OnFleek and Ghost were absolute in teamfights. Although Jin Air did put up a fight in game 2 using Elise, SANDBOX turned the tables by dominating the mid game skirmishes-teamfights.
After the series SANDBOX's top and mid laner, Summit-Dove were interviewed.

What are your thoughts on today's victory?
Summit: We did lose against Griffin so I'm happy that we've one again.
Did you think that the team's positive momentum would end after losing against Griffin?
Summit: Yeah I did. We were on a winning streak but that ended which was a good experience for us.
Dove, it's your first MVP. Can you say "hi" to the fans?
Dove: Hello. Well, I feel really happy that I've won my first MVP. That's why this win against Jin Air will last forever for me.
Although your performance was good, you've never won the MVP.
Dove: My role was to back up my team so for sure, my teammates deserved it.
In game 1 you went against Cheongo and in game 2 you had to face Grace in the top lane. How did it feel to lane against mid laners today?
Summit: I did not expect it at all and was really surprised. It's a relief that we've won. Cheongo seemed to know how to play his champion but he didn't' have a good understanding on laning as top. On the other hand, Grace was actually better than other top laners. That's why I had quite a hard time performing well in game 2.
What are your thoughts on the new gold funneling meta?
Summit: We decided to not use that playstyle. However, we were prepared to go against it.
Like you've stated, you did have quite a tough time in game 2.
Summit: Yeah I did have a hard time. That's why I had to have faith in my other laners, especially Dove.
Dove: My teammates were having a tough time so I put in more effort than usual.
You're undefeated on Cassiopeia. Are you confident on her?
Dove: She is somewhat difficult to use due to her item build. I still think she's good. Well, she's really strong if you can land your Q.
You have 2 games before round 2 begins. What are your goals for round 1?
Summit: If we win next match, we're on a winning streak once again. I'll try to win and resume our winning streak.
Dove: For sure, we'll be on a winning streak again.
Do you have any words for the fans?
Dove: Thank you! (Q: Can you say "I love you" for the fans?) Ummm... Thank you...
Summit: (Q: Then can you say "I love you" instead?) Umm... Thank you a lot... (laughs)
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