On the 31st of January (KST), Griffin defeated SKT 2:0 in the 2019 LCK Spring Split.
It was again another one-sided victory from Griffin. In both games, they dominated each of their lane matchups. They were exceptional in teamfights as always. Griffin displayed some solid macro in both games as well. In general, they were simply the better team; SKT couldn’t do a thing. After the match, Sword and Lehends joined for an interview.
The following is the live stage interview with Griffin Sword and Lehends.

What are your thoughts on today’s victory?
Sword: We both couldn’t receive the MVP award. I’m happy that we’ve finally received it.
Lehends: Since I couldn’t receive the MVP, I was thinking of trying out Blitzcrank. Well, it’s nice that I’ve finally received it.
Sword, you are thought of as on another level. What do you think is different compared to last year?
Sword: Nothing really changed. I played as usual. I think our team plays improved than before.
The team seemed to focus more on macro than early game ganks today.
Sword: Well, we didn’t really plan to do that. The game was those games where there aren’t a lot of kills. It was even and eventually changed in the teamfight phase. I had faith in Tarzan and farmed up.
Your Sion was exceptional! How much do you like Sion?
Sword: Sion goes really well with our team color. He’s good in fights and has good initiators. I like him and that’s why I pick him often.
Are you confident with ‘driving’ on Sion? Teddy had to Flash out of your driving skills.
Sword: I practiced Sion so much so I know when to show-off my driving skills.
Griffin opened Cassiopeia. Why did you guys open such a strong pick?
Lehends: I talk a lot with Viper and we thought that we are capable of going against any kind of champion in the bottom lane. We were confident.
You’ve performed on Braum for both games. What are your thoughts on him?
Lehends: I like to use Braum and he is fun to play. Still, Viper seemed unsatisfied towards all of my picks. I’ve given up so I just go with what I like whether he likes it or not. I’m thinking of picking Blitzcrank in the future to give Viper a hard time. (laughs)
What kind of feedback did you guys share going into game 2?
Sword: Our head coach just said: “you guys did well”. It seemed like he had a lot of feedback to share, but he was happy so he just went with the flow.
Chovy is on a 104 KDA. Did he seem to think or worry about his KDA before this series?
Sword: Chovy doesn’t really think about his KDA that much. If we tell him [that his KDA is high], he just says “oh it’s that high?”. Since he saw his KDA go past 100, he’ll probably be happy right now.
How about a word of congratulations to Chovy?
Lehends: I hope you get killed two or three times more and become similar to my KDA.
You are going against another 1st place team, SANDBOX next. How are you guys preparing?
Sword: We’ll stick with our own plays and come back with better performance.
Lehends: I’m currently doing my best to win any team possible. I’ll try my best in the future as well.
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