On the 27th (KST), Invictus Gaming (IG) swept G2 in the 2018 World Championship Semifinals day 1. IG's concept was clearly focused on the early game. Using their signature aggressive playstyle, they dominated the series; IG closed down every game under the 30-minute mark. After the match, the IG members gathered in the press room for a team interview.
The following is the Korean press interview with IG.

In games 1 and 2, IG used Jayce. Was this pick planned beforehand?
IG head coach Kim: Jayce wasn’t a prioritized pick. If our main picks get banned, then we were thinking of using him in the game. TheShy can use diverse champions in the top lane so we used Jayce since a lot of champions were banned.
In game 3, your Aatrox led the team to a huge teamfight victory. How was the team atmosphere at then?
TheShy: We actually called to fall back from that fight. However, I was able to be in an aggressive position and this led to a good result.
You’ve advanced to the Worlds Finals in your second Worlds experience. How do you feel?
Rookie: This is my second Worlds and going to the finals wasn’t what I expected. It’s a weird feeling… I'm not even sure I deserve to get to the Finals. I do want to perform well in the Finals but I do feel nervous about it.
Kai’Sa was picked in game 3. Why did you pick her?
JackeyLove: Our coach said to pick Kai’Sa since she’s very good in mid to late game. She’s pretty decent in the early game as well.
Why did you pick LeBlanc early in the draft?
Rookie: Perkz is a good LeBlanc user. I’m also very confident on her as well. As a matter of fact, in the current meta, there is not a single champion that can dominate LeBlanc in lane phase. It was also important to pick her first since Perkz is very good on her.
It’s Duke’s second Worlds Finals. How do you feel?
Duke: I was so happy after winning the 2016 Worlds. I’ll do my best to win this one as well.
C9 will go against Fnatic. Which team do you want to face?
Kim: Personally, I’d like to face C9 since Fnatic defeated us twice. However, I do think that Fnatic has a better chance of advancing to the Finals.
In this Worlds, mid laners are receiving a lot of attention. How was your matchup against Perkz today? Also, which mid laner do you want to go against in the Finals?
Rookie: The meta changed very fast and currently mid lane/jungle are the most important position. Actually, I have a hard time going against mid laners that sustain well until the teamfight phase. That’s why I was always confident on the matchup against Perkz. Caps and Jensen performed very well in the Quarterfinals. I personally want to go against Caps since I wasn’t able to dominate the matchup in Groups. I do want to make my revenge; I want to prove that I’m better.
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