On the 17th (KST), Fnatic qualified for the quarterfinals by defeating iG in the tiebreaker for 1 seed out of groups.
Fnatic did not lose a single game today. Defeating 100 Thieves and G-Rex, all Fnatic had to do was beat iG twice in a row to secure 1st place. With the past match against iG in mind, many fans wondered if Fnatic could pull it off.
Despite all this, Fnatic came today with the mindset to win. Taking both games from iG, Fnatic not only secured 1st place but also got an easier quarterfinals draw.
After the game, we got to meet and talk with Fnatic's jungler, Broxah. Below are the interview responses.

¤ How do you feel about qualifying for the quarterfinals and placing 1st?
I am really really happy and excited to not only go to quarterfinals but also to go as first seed. If we actually placed as second seed, we would have been placed on the other side of the bracket. If we didn't beat iG today, we would have played kt in the quarterfinals. And if we somehow won that, we would have played RNG in semis. It would have been really scary. We dodged the two most scary teams in the tournament. I am really satisfied.
¤ When iG left Lee Sin open, what went through your head? Did you think ‘Free win boys’?
(laughs). While I am confident on Lee Sin, I feel like it is never an easy game with him. Lee Sin is the type of champion that literally anything can go wrong. Even though Lee Sin is a very powerful champion, if you have a bad early game, there is literally nothing you can do. You have to put on those carry pants and make those plays.
I was in my comfort zone today. Once I saw Lee Sin in our final draft, I knew that all we had to do was to play well in the game. Everything turned out really well.
¤ Champions like Lee Sin gives the best high when making sick plays or landing nice Qs. What goes through your mind when you make plays on Lee? Bwipo seems to love your Lee from seeing his reactions.
For me, it feels really crazy. It almost feels like back when I started in the EU LCS. Recently, I have been playing boring champions like tanks. They can't really make plays in the same sense. Now that I am back on champions like Lee Sin on the World stage which is even more hype, making these plays feels really really crazy. It is the best feeling. It is so sick.
For example, when I outplayed Ning's Gragas that game, I really felt like a god after (laughs). It is a really nice feeling. Generally, when you make plays on Lee Sin at the Worlds stage, it gives you the best feeling you can ever feel. Sometimes my teammates react to my plays like 'URGGHH, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!?!!?!' It just makes it even better (laughs).

¤ You made a sick outplay against Ning near the dragon pit. After that game, would you consider yourself the better jungler?
I'm not sure if necessarily I'm the better jungler. I think Ning played really well in all the 3 games we have played against him. In the first game we had against iG, I believe Ning played better than me. Second one, it was about even. I think we played better as a team. In the third one, I think I was the better jungler. I pretty much went toe to toe with Ning. He is an extremely good jungler, so I can be satisfied with that.
¤ Fnatic lost to iG in the first round but beat iG twice today. What changed?
We learned a lot from the first game against iG when we had a really weak early game. First, we started looking into our early game because our early game against iG was just horrible. Second, we improved our team play and slowing down during the mid to late game. I think we can take away a lot from the 3 games we played against iG.
Today, we were confident going up against them. Although iG is strong in the early game, we felt that we could outplay them as a team if it goes to the mid to late game. All we had to worry about was to slow down.
¤ Placing 1st in groups means everything. Now Fnatic will face EDG. What are your thoughts on vsing EDG and are you happy with the draw?
I don't think the draw could have gone any better for us to be honest. I'm really happy with the draw. However, EDG is a very strong team. They need to be respected as well. EDG is probably one of the best teams in this tournament. But at the same time, us dodging kt and RNG is huge. If we really want to make a deep run in this tournament and go to finals, we need to make this draw work. Although EDG is a strong team, I am fully confident that we can take them down.
¤ Fnatic and G2 are the last remaining EU teams surviving at Worlds. Can Fnatic and G2 keep the EU dream alive and is there anything you want to say to your fans since they are all saying “thank you mr.Broxah”?
First of all, I feel really bad for G2 when they got drafted RNG (laughs). To be honest, if G2 beat RNG, I think it will be the biggest upset in this tournament. It would actually be insanely mind blowing. That would be so insane. So yeah, I believe G2 will struggle a lot unless they get their hands on Heimerdinger. At this point, everyone expects teams to perma ban Heimer against Hjarnan. Even before the groups stage happened. Regardless, Hjarnan somehow got it everytime and smashed everyone.
Maybe G2 can take a game or two off RNG, but RNG is really scary in a bo5 format. They are not easy to win against. I feel bad for G2 (laughs).
I just want to say thank you to the fans who keep supporting me. There has been funny memes about me ever since I have joined Fnatic. After my first LCS game, I remember I logging onto social media and everyone has 'SMORC' everywhere on the stream (laughs). 'Thank you mr.Broxah' was made at MSI and now it is coming back again. I think it is a really fun way of supporting me.

A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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