On the 4th of October (KST), the representative of Latin America - North region, Infinity eSports advanced to the Play-In Stage knockouts on second place. Their victory against LPL’s EDG was indeed one of the notable upsets in the 2018 Worlds Play-Ins. Although they were rather behind early in the game, the players managed to deliver remarkable teamfights; they soon turned it around and defeated this Chinese monster.
After the game, Infinity eSports’ top and support, Relic and Arce were interviewed.
notes: This interview was conducted before the Play-Ins Knockout Stage draws.

Congratulations! What are your thoughts on the team’s performance for today?
Arce: We are very happy with our results. We really needed wins to continue performing in the Worlds. The staff and the players are very proud of what we did today. We will not stop here. We’ll try to perform even better; you’ll be able to see more from Infinity.

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Relic: Today’s win was really big for us because in some points we lost focus and underperformed. We did have some luck and overall, I am very happy that we did make it through.
The win against EDG was one of the biggest upsets for the Play-Ins. Did you think that the team had a chance against a strong team like EDG?
Arce: Although we knew that EDG was a very strong team, as long as we play our best, we knew that we can win any team. In our first match against EDG, we didn’t respect them enough. As a result, they punished us real bad. On the other hand, today, we had respect and played more calm. We tried to focus more on playing aggressively.
Relic: I think EDG is the best team in the Play-Ins. Yes, we did respect them, but I knew that any team can win against the stronger teams; we believed that the team had a chance against EDG. I thought that if we can beat them, it would be a strong moral boost for our team.
Who do you think is the MVP for the game against EDG?
Arce: Maybe... me perhaps? (laughs) It’s very difficult since all of the players did a really good job. Relic did well on tanking the front line… However, if it’s about the teamfights, I mostly started it, so maybe it’s me.
Relic: I think I also did pretty well. I remember that I landed 3-man stuns about 2 times. I also made some good calls.
Which team do you want to face in the Play-Ins Knockout Stage?
Arce: I personally want to face SuperMassive or G2. The tiebreakers are on the way, and I’d prefer going against either team.
Relic: I also want to face them as well. I think Cloud9 would be the toughest. We’ll probably do well against G-Rex, but still, G2 or SuperMassive would make an easier matchup. I do have some respect for Wunder; he’s really good at laning. I think going against him will be pretty fun.
Why did you choose Cloud9 as your toughest opponent?
Arce: As a matter of fact, we didn’t even scrim against Cloud9. We only did scrims against their Academy team and sometimes we lost. Things might be different since now the Worlds started. However, I’d prefer going against an EU team.
Relic: I think the playstyle of Cloud9 is tougher to deal with. They seem to take advantage and snowball from very minor things. In top lane, Licorice is very aggressive. Personally, I think he makes the hardest top lane matchup to go against in the Play-Ins.
Can you say something for your fans?
Arce: To all the fans across the world and to the InvenGlobal readers… I would like to say “Thank you”. I knew only a few supported us. However, now that we’ve won, we’ll try to continue to perform well. We’ll try our best to get out of the Play-Ins and play well in the Group Stage.
Relic: I want to thank everyone that supported us. Although we weren’t the best team, a lot of people rooted for us. We received very touching messages from the fans across the world. Probably a lot of our fans had to stay up until 4-5AM to watch us play and I feel so thankful.

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