Having skipped his vacation after the EU LCS to come to Korea earlier than scheduled, Rekkles was eager to begin practicing and adjusting to the new environment. Then, on the 16th of September, Rekkles paid a visit to the Gangnam Nexon Arena to spectate the final series of the LCK Regional Qualifier between Gen.G Esports and Kingzone DragonX.
Having run into an opportunity to speak with him for an interview, Rekkles shared his feelings regarding the LCK studio setup, the team he's cheering for, and his resolution for the 2018 League of Legends World Championship.

How is the Nexon Arena?
Everything is kind of together. You have the booths a couple of meters away from fans. [Having fans and players in close proximity] only happens after games in Europe, since fans are far back from the stage. LCK seems to have a very friendly atmosphere as a result.
What do you think about today's matchup?
I think Gen.G is going to win -- unless Kingzone changes their style because I think their top-centric playstyle is bad for the current meta. Only two champions can play carry top right now, Urgot and Aatrox, so I don't see how they can execute their top-centric style today. I think it'll still be a close series, 3-2.
But I cheer for Kingzone because last year, they gave me a spot in the quarterfinals [at Worlds]. Against Gigabyte Marines, they were behind 10k gold... although they already won their groups and didn't have any incentives to win, they fought back and made a comeback. I feel like I'm responsible to cheer for them. Also, they were very friendly.
CoreJJ is the only person I've talked to in Gen.G the last time I was here.
Why did you come so much earlier to Korea than most of your teammates?
I felt that going back home for a week [like my teammates] won't help me. I went to Korea right away to keep a good rhythm in terms of sleep, food, and playing solo queue. Everything falls smoothly in order this way. I would've suffered from jetlag and would've had troubles finding places to eat had I rushed my way here. I wanted to fix the small things before I begin practicing in full. I'll be in good shape for scrims starting Tuesday.
You have a lot of international fans. Is there anything you want to say to them?
I'm going to do my absolute best to prepare for Worlds. Last year at Worlds, I played O.K... but at the 2018 MSI, I was far from great, I think it was one of the worst tournaments of my career. This time, I want to perform and show the world that it wasn't luck that caused me and my team to achieve success in Europe.
For the Korean fans, I want to say thank you for welcoming me here. It felt really nice to come to the LCK studio and have a whole lot of fans wanting to take a picture with me.
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