Hello, Masters.
It’s time to announce the winners of the event we held to commemorate the opening of Inven Global Returners. Many participated in the event, and we’d like to thank you for making this event even more prosperous than we anticipated.
The first event rewards will be given to all who left a post in a designated format. For the second event, we drew from all comments for winners, and we have decided who will be our lucky guests!
Below is the list of winners:
[Event 1] Show that you installed and played Returners for 500 Bluestones
※ Press Ctrl + F and type your Inven nickname to find out whether you are on the list
EvilLegion, asd6812, Mhon, Papayamaru, Jackie_Huynh, Tensai, Diox, Raizel, JOOT, Dozer, TheKingAtk, KyleThan, rontan94, Shadow, windy_ariyanti, Ultrajammer, chash, Eazon, Pockiverse, Royal, Dildonian, pandaKick, fixD, MalignoX, FonDudu, XXIV, Ubiqu, crab_huang, West_Cheng, Stelio_Kontos, Relic, Kuney, Jeffrey_Alvarez, Jean_Lucas, Boaz, RECKONX, Bjnny, Hoadiepp, Cesar_Steven, WubblezWubblez, Thien_Nguyen, Just_Dandy, Joe_White, Vinyh_Derek, Tainlin, Brian_Ely, Lordkool, HellbentFiber, Brian_Lou, Gatzzz, Ogoshi, DeusMaligno, PaxInBello, J_Linarez, Annoca_Aces, Lazul, CRMZNxSPIRIT, Becca_Benfield, Quan_Huynh, Craigonidus, David_H, TheRealDimz, Wolfie1515, Crid, Animus, FreshHippy, Ragor, Mschopsticks, Dragonice2411, metalbuddha, TheeHiro, CAPTLEE, Solful, maxnguyen, Eddy_Souriyong, H3r01c, SlasherV2, Andre_Gustavo, Raphael_Gumieri, Mungobean, Robbie_Poplin, Idimegra, Xia_Tian, DawnWar, Rodrigo_Weste, Ponteus, mentholk, Sleepyy, maam10, Zheisr, Mackz789, Phu_Duong, Rodskii, Path, Shiii, Mihok, MidnightRay20, Caner, PurpleHippo, Azure, ghoood, playax, Roxas_jiang, Draheyra, theada, Panto, Zlovoploti, DeuzExMachina, Pioche, Artiom_Selickij, Eternity, Lokai, Urubu, syl_bid, tupian315, GutsMcOwnage, Roman__Shakhov, Conchord, MrNiceShoes, Mammut, Syd_Bassett, Kael, Arnson, Tobias_Reich, Berserker101, Darker, Madkibo_Edwood, desy, Krasuss_Krauss, Shadralor, kernor, Abredij, Chris_John, Quang_Tran, Respii, Lordjam, Vinni777, Nick_Samartzis, Kronners, Nounouille, Deathwolf, Ivan_Kecina, Autumn_Prok, Syd_Bassett, Jens_Over, Lutt, Yohanes_Halim, Cybergu, hoangphu, zijing_tee, PartyLim, Zeno, jengkoy, Xaver, iceshuixin, Mrwin, Funker, Suleman_Malik, BabySharkdo, Armando_Lopez, ThanhTung, Nabixu, dungbuiviet, Nexxer, VnSora, Teee_Phuong, Joestar, RabbitMeeks, Duy_Huynh, Jujube, Khanh_Tran, Music_Horizon, Gege_Zero, snln, hieu_mai, eREAM, PPeem_713, Bunbon, TheGuardian, Trung_Le, PongDekInw, torppw89, VesEnTe, Jojo_Gaviro, Nguyen_Tan_Phi, Nghi_Huynh, Thanhbinh2006, Lencille, Tien9110, Nut_Tnt, Toan_Nguyen, Ployphailin, HuynhTien, Long_Tran, FireFox, le_ba, KuSamoa, Vu_Dang, TuanVo, Luyen_Lu_Nhat, Tanphuc, PANDAREX, Giang_Huynh, nguyencong, Nam_Ha, Hallyn, phuc_nguyen, Tung_Manh, Leo_Nidas, QangVinh, Limuel_Brizo, Son_Nguyen, Quoc_Ry, MCuongDo, Tuan_Phan, Nguyen_Manh, Alex_Le, Tuan, Hung_Nguyen, Tienduoc, Pyae_Phyo, KJai, Renedla, MinhNe, FuzzyD, Shaolin, Nine77z, LeeHung, Ludens, Tyo_Maulana, My_Nee, winrys, Kit_Jai, Tyramin, Quang_Trung, Christian_Ambro, kiennct2015, Julian_Hou, RealJesus, kericstiq, Tears, Tao_Wei, SmileXFrown, dinhviethoang, Danupoom_Pulsub, Nitekin, Tak_Hung_Yip, WeeboY, Alexandrew, Bikin_Ghimire, fAte, Noobita, trickstervn, Zerenos, Dinh_Hung, Amnat_Channgern, Terrence_Murrel, Victor, HaValent, fatehero, nguyen_lo, jusherr, Whisper89, Rustic, Tampon, Joey666, Vinh_Nx, Thang_Nguyen, Nickky9x, Kjngdevjl, WindyN, ThaiPop, Deen, XBOX, Ho-Hoi, Khuahn, fulam_cheng, Thangtn, Skylok, Fluke_F_Natta, GunturBayu, manlung02, DaBlazingCat, dinhhung_an, Minhnguyen, Archangel04
[Event 2] Leave a post or comment on Inven Global Returners for a Gear Choice and Draw
1. 5-Star Legendary Gear Choice for 10 players
2. Legendary Gear Draw Ticket for 20 players
3. 3,000 Bluestones for 20 players
Congratulations to the winners! The first event reward will be given to your Returners account on August 7th, and the second event reward will be on August 13th, all in PDT. Please note that we need to verify names of the account and server of the second event winners, and for that, we will send an email to the email address you used when creating an account with us.
Please reply to the email by 24:00 on August 11th (PDT). Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of rewards and it will be difficult for us to reverse it, so please check your email.
Thank you for your active participation in events, and we will soon come back with new events.
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Comments :19
level 1 torppw89
someone get double reward ... serious ?
level 2 H3r01c
For the first event, my ingame name is 4glory, not H3r01c. Could you correct this issue please?
level 14 Meii
@H3r01c Every winners are written by their Inven nicknames and we've already checked your in-game name so there is nothing you need to worry about ;) -
level 14 Meii
@DildonianI asked, and it turns out you missed out your server when writing the event post for event 1. I am so sorry but many other players didn't get to win because they forgot to write what server they play on and we couldn't make exceptions due to the rules... I am so sorry :(
level 1 Path
I posted a week ago, but not on the list :(
And I also miss my chance now to make lucky prizes?
level 14 Meii
@PathYou are on the list for event 1, just press Ctrl + F and type your Inven nickname and you will be able to find your Inven nickname!
level 4 Caner
Next time please make an event for the ppl who is playing this game mostly.. im a bit sad because i play this game like 4-5 hours in a day and just got 500bs.. i dont know but maybe the others who got 3k bs will not be online to see rewards...
I also leave post and a lots of comments after 2 days event started.. Sorry but deciding way to winners seems unfair to me..
Server : EU
Ign : Elrond
level 1 MrNiceShoes
Does the reward come today? Was I supposed to have received an email to receive the reward?
level 1 Dozer
Why arent i on the list? Photo shows my ign as well as my user name on this account and i commented americas under the photo?
level 14 Tonny
@DozerThe Bluestones have been sent to you. If not, please send your inquiry by email. Thank you!
level 2 Tobias_Reich
I do Not get the reward from event 1
level 2 Tobias_Reich
I do Not get the reward from event 1
Tobias_Reich- 2018-08-07 23:59:47Ok done thx
level 1 DemonDai
Hi, the 2nd event's rewards should be distributed today right? Just asking since I haven't received it yet.
level 3 syl_bid
Same here, no reward for a event yet. Other people have received it ???
level 2 Khanh_Tran
Me too! I’m waiting 3k blue all today.
level 1 Jeffrey_Alvarez
No event rewards? It said the 13th and I haven’t received anything?
level 3 Tobias_Reich
ME too no reward :(