On the 15th of July, KT Rolster defeated Afreeca Freecs with a score of 2-1. Having been overwhelmed by AFs, KT had a rough start. However, through a super play made by Ucal, KT was able to make an impressive comeback in game 2. In the 3rd and final game, all 5 members of KT built MR items to counter Afreeca's AP-oriented team composition.
After the series, the two MVP titlists of today's series, Ucal and Mata, were invited for an interview with a SPOTV caster.

Both games 1 and 2 were drawn out until the late game. How was today’s series?
Ucal: I played, thinking that I’ll die if I lose today.
Mata: After returning to the LCK from the Rift Rivals, we played very poorly. I wanted to win today, no matter what it takes. Luckily we caught on and won.
KT Rolster often struggled in the early game. When did you become certain that you’d win?
Ucal: I thought that “we shouldn’t lose with this team composition,” and played with the mindset that we’ll win.
Mata seemed like the key player in today’s series. Your performance on Tahm Kench was impressive.
Mata: There wasn’t a lot of things for me to do in game 1. I simply contributed to the team by roaming frequently.
After returning from the Rift Rivals, KT looks to be more focused during the late game.
Ucal: I think we were able to win today because we remained focused until the very end.
In the final moment of game 2, what went across your mind when Smeb died?
Mata: Smeb still bought us a lot of time, so we all discussed and decided to forgive him.
Ucal: Although Gnar died first, my team and I had great positioning. So I knew that we’d win.
Yasuo is a very risky pick. However, you didn’t die, once.
Ucal: As a Yasuo, it’s more important that you stay alive over getting kills. Players that play strong champions often become intoxicated at the thought of getting kills. If you are able to fight off that feeling and do your best to stay alive, you can carry.
How did you guys overcome AFs in game 3?
Mata: Every lane -- except toplane -- had the lead in lane. Therefore, we knew that we’d win if we played the teamfights well.
Today, Mata’s Tahm Kench was very impressive. He was like an inhibitor! What did the team think of him?
Mata: Our team often picks Tahm Kench because, as a champion, he’s not bad. Personally, I don’t see him as a great pick, but since our players often throw and die, he’s being employed as a pick to limit that as much as possible. I don’t think my Tahm Kench was that impressive… it probably just seemed like that because of how often my teammates got into dangerous situations.
Which teams look strong, and which teams look weak in the Round 2 of this Summer Split?
Ucal: All the top teams in the current standing are strong. We’ll need to remain tensed up when playing against all of them.
Mata: I think we’ll need to wait for the results to make that claim.
Can you guys do a service for the fans if you are to win your next series?
Mata: If we win our next match, I want to gift mice that has Ucal’s signature on them to the fans.
Any last words?
Ucal: We made poor results during Round 1. We’ll do our best to win all of our matches in Round 2.
Mata: My father came to watch the game today, but honestly speaking, I’m not too interested in my family. However, I think I’ll be able to say hello if I run into him. I want to thank all the fans that cheer for us.
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