On June 28th (KST), kt Rolster (KT) defeated Griffin (GRF) with a set score of 2:0.
Despite it being their first time performing in the LCK, GRF seemed unstoppable, having racked up 6 consecutive wins going into the split. However, their streak was ended by KT’s dominating performance.
After the match, we had the chance to speak with KT’s Jungler, Score. The veteran player shared his thoughts about their victory and spoke on his leg injury.

Q. You’ve defeated the 1st place team, GRF, 2:0. How do you currently feel?
Before the match against GRF, we won against the undefeated Gen.G as well. Although our performance was a bit shaky, it’s a relief to see that we’re not performing terribly.
Q. You’re known for your nickname, “rookie Jungler killer”. What are your thoughts on this?
Actually, I don’t really think much about it. I just cleared out my jungle camps, that’s all. I think it was because the opponent felt pressured. (Q. Since you are a renowned Jungler?) Yeah. Well, you can see that I do have a powerful aura. (laughs)
Q. In game 1, KT delivered a great performance. Are you satisfied?
There was a mistake in game 1. When we fought near the Dragon pit, someone said that Yasuo didn’t have his Flash. But, it turned out that was false. I was tricked and eventually got killed once. It kind of hurt my feelings… (laughs)
Q. Who made that false call? (laughs)
I think it was the one who was in the middle of a 2:1 fight… Well, I’m not really sure who made it. (laughs)
Q. In game 2, you were able to recall and survive in the nick of time. How did you feel at that moment?
At that moment, I yelled, “Hey, Smeb! Can you tank!?” However, he failed and I was the one who was tanking. Still, I managed to miraculously survive, so I thought, “Today is that day I can make anything possible.” Well, I was sure that I’d be killed by a minion, not camille.
Q. Game 2 was quite competitive. When do you think you were able to gain the advantage?
I thought that our champion composition was good, so even when we were behind in the game, I said that we still have a chance of winning.
Q. You are still walking on crutches. When do you think you’ll fully recover? There are a lot of fans that are concerned.
I think that I still have 2-3 weeks left. I’ll be able to know the exact date tomorrow once I visit the hospital. (Q. Does it still hurt a lot?) Yeah. It hurts a bit when I sleep. People say that your knees ache when it rains. For me it’s my ankles that hurt.
Q. Fans are concerned about KT’s rather shaky performance. Can you say something for the fans?
I know that you guys will still be sad even if we do explain [our performance]. Well, we’re doing our best and focusing on giving a better performance. I do know that the results are important, but I’d be thankful if you encourage us a little bit more.
Q. You’re going to face MVP in your next match. Any final word on the match?
In this current meta, you should never lower your guard. I know that we don’t have a lot of time left, but we’ll prepare well and win before we fly off to the Rift Rivals. Thank you.
The next question was asked by an Inven Global user overseas.
Q. (From Tsohe) Are you aware of the western joke about not getting excited about KT Rolster? Basically, it means that when people have low expectations for them, they win, and when people have high expectations, they lose.
Actually, it’s my first time hearing that. Well, I was aware that in Korea, Gen.G has that sort of thing, but I didn’t know that we had it in western countries.(laughs)
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