The best of Korea and the best of NA clashed atop the MSI Group Stage.
The heavy tournament favorite, KZ, utilized a "double tear Ezreal" strategy against TL, and even Doublelift, the NA ADC who rarely died during the NA LCS Spring Playoffs, fell to his knees.
After the interview, Kingzone's support player, GorillA was invited for an interview with Sjokz.

You're known to bring new picks into tournaments, but you're not really known for playing ranged supports. Why did you play Soraka?
Since Tahm Kench has a global ultimate, I also decided to pick a champion with a global ultimate to match that.
What is it like to return to Berlin?
Last time I was here, I was in second place. However, I learned a lot from that experience. This time, I want to make better results.
You guys are huge favorites of this tournament, and we know what happened to Longzhu last year at Worlds. How will you guys keep a cool head for the rest of this tournament?
Our first game here today wasn't that clean, and I felt that we were overconfident at Worlds. If we correct ourselves a little more, I think we can make better results this year.
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