RNG kick-started the 2018 MSI Group Stage with a victory. Against Fnatic who had prepared a surprise pick in the form of Yasuo, RNG made a decisive move that completely flipped the tide of the battle. After a bloody teamfight, RNG made an enormous comeback. RNG's midlaner, Xiaohu, was pressured throughout the entire game by Caps' Yasuo. However, he remained calm and played his part in the late game.
After the series, Xiaohu was invited for an interview with Sjokz.

How is important was it for RNG to take that first win here in the MSI?
Winning the first match is always inspirational. Having gotten the first victory, we'll have a better chance as we move on.
Yasuo was a very interesting pick. What did you think of that composition? How did you win playing against it?
Trundle and Yasuo is a really good comp to play against a midlaner. I'm not too experienced playing against that comp, so I didn't do well. I'm kind of embarrassed. Hopefully, I get better as the tournament goes on.
What do you think your chances are in this tournament?
We still have a lot of things to work on and improve. Our chance of winning this tournament is probably less than 50%.
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