With the 2018 LCK Spring Split coming to an end, SKT T1 Bang shared his thoughts in retrospect regarding the whole tournament. This Split, SKT had dropped to as low as 9th place -- barely making playoffs in Round 2 of the regular season. However, they lost to KT and was eliminated. The following is the full text of Bang's interview.

"At the beginning, we were all looking forward to winning the tournament, like we always have. But we tripped once or twice starting from the beginning. Strangely, I don't have too much of a regret despite having lost this split. It feels like a turning point in my life."
"I have been professionally gaming for 7 years now... and I now realize that last year, I had many thoughts of doubt and habits. I didn't feel happy from winning, but rather, saw it as a natural thing. Winning felt obvious to me back then. But that wasn't the case, because when I lost, something hit me hard. "Winning wasn't so obvious." So I've taken time to reflect -- backtrack to the times where we won to see what I did during that time to win. The whole experience felt very new to me."
"Although I said that I don't have too big of a regret, there are still some. But regardless, we took the time to reflect on ourselves, so it wasn't wasted time. We'll make sure to prepare well for the Summer Split and make better results."
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level 1 JoanieBradtke
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