On the 17th of March (KST), kt Rolster defeated bbq Olivers 2-1 and added a win. Game 1 was dominated by bbq. They took game 1 with the excellent performance of Trick. However, in game 2, KT jungler Score swept through the rift as if he wanted revenge, and KT was able to tie the game again. Game 3 was again in KT’s favor and they confirmed their victory. As of today’s match, KT once again secured their spot in the leaderboard.
After the match, Score and Mata were voted MVPs and were interviewed with coach Jung Jae-seung.
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Q. (To Score) It’s the first MVP for you this season. How do you feel?
Score: Early in the season, I thought there was something wrong with how you pick the MVP, but now I’m not greedy to get MVP anymore. (Laughs) I wanted to finish the season at 0 points but I got one.
Q. (To Mata) It seemed like you felt a lot of pressure recently.
Mata: We didn’t have good results during scrims recently and some of our members were really afraid to lose, so Smeb and I tried to make a brighter atmosphere.
Q. (To Jung) How was the match?
Jung: I always watch the matches hoping the players can get over all the difficulties in their minds.
Q. What kind of feedback was there after game 1?
Score: Since we’re in a losing streak, I just tried to ease myself thinking that we can make a good comeback. I renewed my mentality rather than thinking of the game.
Q. Why did you pick Kha’Zix?
Score: It wasn’t my choice, the coaches wanted me to play Kha’Zix. During the draft, I usually have the coaches pick what I should play.
Jung: Actually, the coaching staff saw that he was having a hard time, and I think our head coach made a good decision. We wanted to make a better environment for him to play and the perfect champion to do so was Kha’Zix.
Q. Weren’t you tired after game 1?
Mata: Sometimes I am tired, but I wasn’t tired at all today. I just thought that I need to lead my teammates well.
Q. You performed outstandingly with Kha’Zix. Did you plan all your moves?
Score: (Laughs) Of course I planned my moves, but sometimes it was out of natural instinct.
Q. Crazy played really well and was strong against Smeb. How was Smeb today?
Mata: They really concentrated on taking care of the top lane so we also went to the top to make Smeb more confident.
Q. You played Thresh really well in game 3. Why did you pick him?
Mata: There weren’t many champions left to play at support because of bans, but since the opponent had Zac, I thought Thresh was a good pick to guard our other champions.
Q. What do you think of top lane Fiora?
Jung: The purpose of playing top Fiora and Gangplank is to earn more money than the opponent to pressure them. It makes them think that they really need to kill her, so if you can make that kind of situation, she’s a good pick.
Q. You won and took a precious victory. The upcoming matches are against MVP and AFs. How will you prepare it?
Score: We have two matches left, and both of them are really important. We’ll continue to do our best and deliver good performance in the playoffs as well.
Mata: The most important thing is how we perform. If we aren’t able to play well, we would lose in the playoffs even if we get there. We’ll do our best to deliver the best performance that we can.
Jung: As the players said, we’ll do our best to make our performance the best ever. Recently, our main keword is 'united KT'. We’ll gather ourselves into one to deliver good performance as a whole.
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