Kingzone DragonX (KZ) confirmed 1st place in the Spring Split.
On the 15th of March (KST), in the 2018 LCK Spring Split, KZ defeated kt Rolster 2-0 and secured 1st place. Now, KZ will be going straight to the finals regardless of the results of the remaining matches.
KZ picked mid lane Xerath in game 1. It was somewhat quiet during the early game, but the game tipped drastically after KZ killed Baron with the power of 2 stacks of mountain drakes. They dominated the teamfight afterwards as well. As a result, KZ was able to take game 1.
In game 2, both teams gave and took a few kills and was quiet for a while. However, after PraY’s Kog’Maw picked up many kills at bottom lane, he scaled very quickly. With that power, they drove through the opponent’s towers, and won all the teamfights after that without much trouble. As of today’s victory, Peanut will be playing in 5 consecutive LCK finals.
After the match, Peanut and PraY were voted as MVPs and were interviewed along with their head coach, Kang “Hirai” Dong-hoon.

Q. Congratulations! You’re going straight to the finals. How do you feel?
Peanut: After leaving SKT, we stayed in 1st place. I'm really happy because I thought that I proved myself. I’m still trembling of joy.
Q. Did you know that you’re going to the 5th LCK finals in a row?
Peanut: I was aware of that, and I kept on thinking of it. It’s a record that I’ve been breaking since when I was in SKT.
Q. How do you feel going straight to the finals and getting MVP?
PraY: I was thinking of the number of cases before I came here. I was thinking Afreeca Freecs losing is the best scenario for us, but they won. Since they won 2-1, I really wanted to win 2-0 and we did so I’m very happy.
Q. You’re already in first place, and you have a lot saved in set score. Did you worry about the number of cases?
PraY: We have a really high possibility to go straight to the finals, but there’s those cases like KT from last year. (Laughs) I was afraid that we might have the worst case scenario like last year's KT so we really tried hard.
*Note: KT had a 81% possibility of getting to Worlds, but failed.
Q. The MVP points on screen was misprinted as 1000 points. Your real points is 400.
PraY: I think that means my Kog’Maw today was worth 600 points. (Laughs)
Q. (To Hirai) It seems that you were really happy when you entered the booth.
Hirai: I feel really good. We’re going to the finals again after last summer. I was worried a lot but the players did really well. I’m trying to hide my feelings now. I’ll be expressing everything after winning the finals.
Q. There were a lot of mid lane bans in game 1. Wasn’t Bdd frustrated?
Peanut: We both banned a lot of mid lane champions. We were going to ban mid lane that much if Ucal was starting.
Q. How did you get to secretly kill Baron in game 1?
PraY: We wanted to change lanes after recalling but it was interrupted and since the opponent was seen staying at the bottom lane for long so we started hitting Baron with Gangplank.
Q. In game 2, Peanut hit Baron using both Flash and Smite even though Baron was in your team’s possession. Why did you attempt to steal your own Baron?
Peanut: I was preparing to move by jumping, and Baron’s HP was as low as one Smite. I was afraid that we might get it stolen so I hurried in to secure it. It wasn’t practicing stealing or anything like that. (Laughs)
Q. You were on the same teams with Smeb.
PraY: After game 1, I also met Kuro. I told him “Thanks for losing a game. We’ll be waiting for you in the finals.” I’m glad that what I said became true.
Q. KZ is very strong in fights, and it seems like the bottom lane did really good today.
PraY: GorillA and I always play well, but normally, the upper lanes really shine, so the spotlight doesn’t get to us that much. I think today’s match was the second match that needed my powers.
Q. The game was tilted after the big win at bottom lane. How was that moment?
PraY: Zac letting go of the opponent?
Peanut: It was a winning fight even with that, and I fed you two kills in the early game.
PraY: Yes, I think KZ future is bright because of the jungler who makes the ADC shine. (Laughs)
Q. What’s the secret to the strong fighting of KZ?
Hirai: Well, they fight with each other regularly. (Laughs) They have good teamwork, and good synergy among themselves; aside from the game and mechanics, trusting each other is the most important thing. They always have faith in each other.
Q. Do you do any activities to have the players get closer to each other?
Hirai: No, nothing special. They don’t only play games, they have fun on whatever they do together.
Q. Do you have any last comments?
Peanut: We’ve confirmed 1st place today. I think I’ll be at more ease in the rest of the matches. I want to thank all the viewers and fans that came here to watch. We’re here because of you. I wish you the best.
PraY: We’re going to the finals with today’s win. I’m proud of myself thinking “I did it again this year.!” And to Kuro and Smeb, do better and come up here. (Laughs)
Hirai: We prepared bans for both Ucal and Pawn today. The coaching staff had a hard time thinking of bans against Ucal, and we won. I think our coaching staff is the world’s best. We’re doing our best, so I hope the fans have faith in us. Thank you.
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