Afreeca Freecs (AFs) defeated SKT T1 again in Round 2 and stopped their streak.
On the 1st of March, AFs defeated SKT 2-1 in the 2018 LCK Spring Split Round 2 match. AFs brought an aggressive pick and SKT tried a counter. SKT took profit in the early game but once AFS got on track, they started rolling their snowball big. SKT tried to make a comeback but every time, TusiN’s Rakan made spectacular saves and took the win.
In game 2, the two teams nearly switched picks. SKT had aggressive picks and started attacking AFs defense. AFs endured SKT’s attacks quite well, but as SKT killed Baron and Faker’s Galio nuked Mowgli’s Sejuani, the game tilted. SKT took the match to game 3.
AFs delivered very consistent performance in game 3. SKT attempted aggressive action by picking Ekko and Skarner, but AFs isolated SKT’s mid lane and jungle with quick support. As a result, Skarner became a useless pick. AFs took game 3 to seal their victory, returning to compete for 2nd place.
The following is the interview with today’s MVPs, TusiN and Kuro.
Related: Kramer: "Aiming is good, but it was stuffy for me because I wasn’t the one playing. "

Q. You won today. How do you feel?
TusiN: It wasn’t fully satisfying but I’m happy enough that we won.
Kuro: We had a hard time at game 2 because some things didn’t go as we wanted. Everything went well in game 3 except when I died. It was a really urgent moment.
Q. Today, Mowgli and Aiming started for your team. They’re quite young, how are they?
TusiN: They’re really tense while playing. Maybe it’s because they’re young. It was Aiming’s first game playing in the OGN e-stadium. I think we won because of their young energy.
Q. It seems like Aiming relies a lot on you?
TusiN: He’s a small guy and I’m big. I think it’s because we have a lot in common.
Q. (To Kuro) How were they for you?
Kuro: I think they were very nervous since they don’t have that much experience. The jungler and ADC were overly talkative at my sides and said all kinds of useless stuff. So I told them to close their mouths. (Laughs)
Q. In games 1 and 2, you took turns picking Galio and Corki. How do you think of that matchup?
Kuro: About Galio and Corki, it’s true that Corki is better when it gets into the late game, but Galio can make many variables. I think it’s difficult because we don’t know what will happen.
Q. The Kalista pick was quite interesting today, too.
TusiN: Kalista and Xayah often go with Rakan. Kalista can initiate teamfights wby throwing her support so she has good synergy with aggressive supports and Galio. I think that was one of today’s main point.
Q. TusiN was really good in the teamfights.
TusiN: My Rakan was really good today. (Laughs) Recently Rakan is appearing a lot more along with Xayah. It’s a really good pick to hit and run so I think that’s why .
Q. You’re no.1 in MVP points.
TusiN: I thought it would be one of the bot duo because we were quite elegant. It wouldn’t have been awkward whether I got picked or Aiming.
Q. Didn’t Aiming look forward to become MVP?
TusiN: No, he didn’t. Maybe because he’s still too young.
Q. In game 3, you had a critical moment after Kuro’s Taliyah was cut off. How did you handle that situation?
TusiN: I asked about the opponent’s skill cooldown situation first. Skarner’s ultimate was still available so I thought that we had to give up everything. We just tried hard to stop them from killing Baron, and we were able to do that.
Kuro: It was a crisis starting from my mistake, so I needed to make up with it. I used my ult well and we stopped their initiating champions well, so it went alright.
Q. Isn’t it scary playing Taliyah against Ekko-Skarner?
Kuro: Yes. So I didn’t go out at all when I didn’t have vision on them.
Q. We’ve heard that TusiN is on a diet, having 1 meal per day.
TusiN: I just drink apple juice in the morning and have a meal when I get tired; I can live on it.
Q. You’re near the top. Do you have any last comments?
TusiN: Many fans came to watch today, and I think we’ll be able to go up higher. Thank you to all the fans who came to watch, and I’ll try harder and win more.
Kuro: The following match today is KT. If KT loses today, we become 2nd. I hope they lose. (Laughs) We have a match against them still left in round 2, we’ll win that match no matter what. We’ll defeat all the other teams too.
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