It wasn’t easy for RNG. Showing a dominant performance in the group stage, everyone assumed it would be a clean 3:0 sweep. This was not the case as Fnatic tried their best to shut down RNG. The core of Fnatic holding off RNG was sOAZ.
Regardless of winning or losing, sOAZ put an outstanding impression onto the fans. Although sOAZ was not absent in making mistakes, he did his best to pull his team through and was not afraid of RNG. He even used his dying breathe in an attempt to kill the nexus. Regardless of Fnatic’s loss, sOAZ proved to us that without him Fnatic would not have had the same performance as we saw today.
After the game, Fnatic’s top laner, sOAZ, was interviewed. Let’s see what he has to say!

¤ What do you think it came down to today specifically?
Probably indecisiveness. I felt like most of the games we had the lead actually, but we didn’t really know how to snowball it. They didn’t really contest anything. We did a lot of things well, but we misstepped in a lot of areas as well. We lost two games when we had big leads. So yeah… we weren’t decisive enough. We didn’t know what to do and not to do even if we had the lead.
¤ Do you think it is easier to swallow because of the rookies coming into the team this worlds?
I don’t think so. I think there is a lot of things only me and Rekkles would have noticed. For example in the Vayne game, I think we could have won if we were actually sieging. We said in the game that we couldn’t siege, but we were so far ahead that we could have. I think the Vayne game was the most winnable one. I think in every single game there was just a mistake from everyone. I don’t think it was someone in particular in today’s games. We just threw the game at some points.
¤ It has been crazy for you guys. How do you look back on it?
Before going into worlds, we obviously expected to get out of play-ins. The games in the groups were very difficult. I think, of course, we could have played a lot better. It was a best of 1 so anything can happen. We had the best mentality coming into the best of ones. We could have taken more wins. Not really needing lucky on Longzhu to necessarily making it out of groups. Today we wanted to show that we were an actual good team, and we didn’t get here through luck. The games were also really close against RNG. It could have gone either way. I’m sad because it was so close, and we had leads for most of the games. It was really apparent to us that we could win all these games. That was the sad part. At the same time though, we made big mistakes for every single game. Just yeah.
¤ I thought you were going to end with ‘I’m glad we showed something’ because you did at the end.
Not sure (laughs).
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