KT PawN: "It's not always the jungler's fault for losing an objective. It's everyone's fault"

On July 28th, 'kt Rolster' defeated 'bbq Olivers' with a score of 2:1. During the series, 'PawN' played Galio and Orianna, and led the team to victory while acting as the "core" of the team's composition. His display of utilizing Galio's ultimate to its fullest degree especially caught the attention of many fans.

The following is an interview done with KT PawN.

Congratulations on your victory. How do you feel?

The series could've gone a lot better. It's a shame that we lost the 2nd set. Our team needs to focus on strengthening our mid to late-game. 

Please be more specific on what you are trying to 'strengthen'.

We are losing a lot of teamfights in the late-game because of players getting caught out and killed. 

KT was taken to game 3 on many of their series played. Are there any special reasons for this?

I'm not sure. Our plays just become weird when going into the 2nd match of a series. We are currently working on it...

If you guys are able to win your remaining games, it's possible to end the regular split in 1st place.

Our remaining games are against SKT and LZ. Although LZ is a very scary team, I think we can beat them because we have been preparing well for them.

What are your opinions on patch 7.14?

Tanks have gotten a lot stronger.

Also, everyone considered Cho'Gath to be the next OP champion. But as of now, from what we have seen on stage, I don't think he is that great. But we'll still have to wait and see. And as for the midlane, nothing really changed.

What are your predictions on playing against BDD?

He is very good at staying alive. I will try to do the same.

In the series, Score constantly lost objectives due to losing the 'smite battle' with the enemy jungler. What did the team say?

It's not always the jungler's fault for losing an objective. It's partially everyone's fault. And at the time, we weren't too worried about losing those objectives. We assured each other by saying "it's okay." Score, however, was angry at himself that he got them stolen.

Fans have been calling you 'Joonim' (Lord).

It's not a nickname that's used to insult me. Actually, it's the complete opposite. I think it's fine.

Any final words?

Our remaining games are against LZ and SKT. We will beat both of them.

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