Mike "better than Faker" Yeung
On June 23rd, Phoenix1 defeated Echo Fox with a score of 2-0 in the 4th week of 2017 NA LCS Summer Split. It was the first victory for Phoenix1 in this split. Phoenix1 Jungler Mike Yeung had a featured interview after the match.
Mike Yeung commented on his first victory. "Coming into the match, I was really nervous. Phoenix1 had lots of expectations coming into this split due to their performance last split. As I came into the team, I had no expectations, but now I will have to work harder to be able to meet those expectations."
He also revealed that the relationship with Ryu and Arrow is very positive. "I really enjoy their personality individually. Putting all the titles aside, they are really cool people. They love humor, and they laugh with me. We just hang out and have a good time."
Mike then shared his know-how on performing at his best on stage. "I try to not look at the names of the players in-game.By unchecking the name specifically, I don't become intimidated by the top players in the enemy team. This lets me play the game like it's solo queue or just a scrim, allowing me to perform at my best,
Finally, he shared the team's expectation. "My expectation is to win the next match against Team Liquid on Sunday."

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