Lyz Brickley is a cosplayer and content creator from Southern California. Her first cosplay was at Blizzcon in 2009 and she has been a prominent part of the community ever.
What first drew you to cosplay?
I actually kind of got into cosplay by accident. I had heard people dressed up at conventions, so I made a costume for my first con, Blizzcon in 2009. I had no idea there was this whole community of cosplayers but once I discovered it I was hooked!
What is the most satisfying thing about Cosplay?
Hands down the most satisfying part of cosplay is when you put on a costume you made for the first time. When everything just comes together just right, it's amazing.

What type of characters do you love to cosplay?
I love cosplaying fun characters with comfy outfits. If I can mess around in a costume, I'm happy.
What cosplay achievements are you most proud of?
I am most proud of the opportunities I've had to work with companies I admire. It means a lot to get noticed by the people who've created things you've enjoyed for years.

What would be your ideal travel destination?
My ideal travel destination is Germany. My Dad's family lives there, and I love visiting. It is such a beautiful country.
What do you do for fun besides cosplay?
I love playing games and hanging out with my dogs. Recently I've been having a lot of fun with photography and geocaching.
Where can people see more of your cosplay?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LyzBrickley/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lyzbrickley/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lyz_B

Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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