DAMWON Gaming defeated G2 Esports in the semifinals of the 2020 LoL World Championship. It was a 3-1 victory for DAMWON Gaming in which the last game ended in only 19 minutes. By setting a new record for the shortest game at Worlds, DAMWON Gaming successfully had revenge for last year’s quarterfinals. After the match, bot laner Jang “Ghost” Yong-joon joined Park Jee-sun for an interview.
DAMWON Gaming had revenge on G2. It’s the first finals for an LCK team. It’s also the first Worlds for you. How do you feel?
It’s really meaningful that we won against G2 Esports. This is my first Worlds, and we reached the finals; I want to become a royal roader for Worlds.
Many DAMWON Gaming players expressed their desire for revenge on G2. Was the ceremony a part of that?
When we saw them do that ceremony after beating an LCK team, Gen.G, we said that we’ll have revenge for that too.
What did you mainly prepare for the semifinals?
I think DAMWON Gaming of ‘20 is a completely different team from ‘19; we improved a lot. G2 enjoys using the map widely and shaking up their opponents all around. We said that if we’re careful of that, we’ll win.
Maybe because of that style of G2, it was close up to game 3, but game 4 was extremely fast. How did you see the game?
From the draft, we were able to see that G2 was shaken up, so after the draft, we thought we’ve almost won. In the game as well, things went comfortably according to our plan. I actually didn’t expect the game to be this fast; I’m a bit frustrated by that. [Laughs]
Now, people are saying that the red side seems more advantageous. How was the feedback after losing game 2? And what was with the Fiora pick?
During scrims, Nuguri played Fiora well and we thought she was okay, so we picked her. But after Leona visited top, things were tangled up. There was a bit of pressure from the picks, but there are regrets. We could have played better.
The LCK finally made it to the finals and will be facing the winner of Suning vs Top Esports. Who do you think will win?
It’s hard to predict since they’re both good teams. Whoever comes up, we’ll win.
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