On the 27th (KST), T1 defeated DragonX 2-0 in the 2020 League of Legends Champions Korea (LCK) Spring Split. As of the win, T1 solidified their lead over DragonX in the standings. T1 bot laner Park “Teddy” Jin-seong had brilliant performances on Kalista and Cassiopeia today and was voted as the player of the game in both games. He was interviewed after the match.
How do you feel about today’s win?
I don’t think I did much; I think we won because my teammates were good. I’m even happier since we won 2-0.
What was the main reason you won today?
Our draft was better and we concentrated better in our plays than they did.
Game 1 was very long. How did you think it’ll go?
Since we had Kalista and Taric, we thought our late-game comp was better. I also believed that Faker would manage to bother the opponent’s Caitlyn well, so I thought it would be alright in the late game.
Wasn’t it difficult facing Sett and Ornn?
Before I bought Last Whisper or Void Staff, it was hard, but after I did, it wasn’t bad.
Who called for the Baron fight?
I don’t remember exactly, but usually, all five of us make the call for Baron. In that situation, I think it was Faker.
When you picked Cassiopeia, we were quite surprised. What was the intention?
I wanted to play Kai’Sa (Laughs), but the coaching staff thought Cassiopeia was better so we changed it. Ellim picked it well for me.
Did you pick her for mid or bot lane?
She’s a pick that can go bot, mid, and even top so we were going to look at how the other picks go.
When were you sure that you’ll win?
Before I got my first death, I thought we would be able to win no matter what, but after that death, I saw I should be more careful. But I was sure that they didn’t have anybody that can kill Cassiopeia.
The POG that we picked was Teddy. Who’s the owner of T1’s champion belt for today?
The first game went for long and the second game was very difficult as well. I thought Faker did really well today so I picked him. I don’t know who would get it for today.
Lastly, a word to the fans?
It’s a bit awkward since we’re playing online, but we’re doing our best. Watch out for the coronavirus. I’ll do my best to repay for all the support with good results.
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