On August 26th, Cho 'Flurry' Hyun-soo took the victory over Park 'Ghost' Soo-kwang 4-2 in the 2016 Hearthstone Masters Korea (HMK) final. The tournament was held at the Lotte World Adventure located in Seoul.
The series was close, but Flurry played aggressive board control styles that were able to overwhelm some of Ghost’s more passive decks. In the end, Flurry slew Ghost's Dragon Warrior three times with three different decks—an impressive feat—and walked away with his first championship win.
Game 1 - Druid vs Mage
In the first game, Ghost summoned two Mana Wyrms on and Mirror Image to fill the board up early. Flurry used The Coin and Innervate to summon an Azure Drake to eliminate the early threats, but Ghost easily removed the Drake with a Cult Sorcerer and Arcane Blast combo. After that, Flurry had no more answers, and Ghost quickly dispatched his opponent with his two Mana Wyrms.
Set 2 - Rogue vs Warrior
Flurry chose Rogue for Set 2 and dominated his enemy from start to finish in a whirlwind of sharp plays. Ghost had big threats in his hand but he couldn’t find a good time to play them. On top of that, Flurry kept removing his opponent's minions from the board right after being played. The second game wasn’t even close.
Set 3 - Druid vs Warlock
Ghost decided to change tact and take a chance with his Zoolock to flood the board with minions. After gaining the momentum, he even removed Flurry’s Ancient of War and was threatening lethal on the next turn. But Flurry used Arcane Giant, Druid of the Claw, and Power of the Wild to finish the game in a surprising comeback. Flurry showed extreme patience and composure under pressure and won a lost game.
Set 4 - Shaman vs Warlock
Ghost tried Zoolock again and this time, he was successful in overwhelming his opponent. Flurry tried to clear the board with Lightning Storm, but he failed to gain board control and eventually lost to the continuous assault of Zoolock minions. After battering his opponent mercilessly, Ghost summoned Doomguard to shut out the game.
Set 5 - Hunter vs Warrior
Ghost decided to change it up and went back to his Dragon Warrior, but to no success. Flurry created early pressure with Barnes and Kindly Grandmother. He then summoned another Kindly Grandmother and forced Ghost to make an inefficient trade, leveling the board and setting up the fatal blow. The game ended with a straightforward double Kill Command to the face.
Set 6 - Shaman vs Warrior
Ghost picked Dragon Warrior again on the last set, but Flurry once again slew the Dragon—this time with Shaman. Flurry summoned a Totem Golem on the first turn and easily removed the threat of Ghost's Alexstrasza's Champion. He got lucky with Tuskarr Totemic summoning Totem Golem and gained complete control over the game. After that, he never lost board control and eventually forced his opponent to surrender. With a 3-0 sweep of Ghost’s feared Dragon Warrior and a 4-2 overall score, Flurry took home his first championship trophy.
■ 2016 Hearthstone Masters Korea Season 6 Final
Flurry 4 vs 2 Ghost - Flurry Win
Set 1 Flurry (Druid) L : W Ghost (Mage)
Set 2 Flurry (Rogue) W : L Ghost (Warrior)
Set 3 Flurry (Druid) W : L Ghost (Warlock)
Set 4 Flurry (Shaman) L : W Ghost (Warlock)
Set 5 Flurry (Hunter) W : L Ghost (Warrior)
Set 6 Flurry (Shaman) W : L Ghost (Warrior)
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