Blaber just more than doubled Svenskeren's gold in their match against EG, going 9/1/5 on the Olaf. Hear what he has to say about Cloud9's dominance, as well as how he appreciates his time with Svenskeren in the past years.
After going 3-0 to start off the season, Blaber spoke with Inven Global about the team's strength and his experience transitioning from a secondary jungler to playing full time. Watch the interview on YouTube or read more below:
Change can be good, but NA proves change can also be bad. Here is each team's relative strength with their new roster. Who won, and who declined this off-season? And will someone be able to take down Team Liquid? Find out more here:
Evil Geniuses returns to the LCS after four years away, but not choosing to recycle the FOX roster, EG had a lot of work to do and little time to do it. So far they've got three great picks! Here's how they look:
Cloud9 is one of the most decorated orgs in the LCS, but hasn't actually won a title in numerous years. They've already shaken up their roster a bunch, here is what has been rumored so far.
Svenskeren. A name that had disappeared for a while in the NA LCS scene, reappeared when Cloud9 most needed him. When he returned briefly against Team Liquid in week 8, he proved that he was LCS-worth