With patch 9.2 recently added and crit items back in efficiency, AD Carry champions are on the rise again. It has become easier for AD Carries to live up to their name and carry the team. This feels more fulfilling for support players since supports also play a huge part in leading their AD Carry to actually carry. It is also the reason many AD Carries prefer certain champions over others as their support; there are some champions they find truly supportive when it comes to helping their AD Carries scale. However, there are also certain champions they dislike because laning with them tends to be quite unrewarding. I thought it would be interesting to put together the champions that are most disliked by AD Carries. The champs chosen were all based on anecdotes from players in the common elos - below Diamond. This list isn't meant to bash the champions on it; I myself am a support main and play some of the champions mentioned here.