Gamers are never shy about shelling out cash on game-related merchandise. Not unlike other gaming conventions, BlizzCon 2016 was swarming with people waiting in line to purchase goods from their favor
World of Warcraft's senior game designer Jeremy Feasel and senior producer Mike Bybee joined us to discuss WoW's past and future along with some new releases. Have a look. Do you have any armor set as
Can you tell us about how Mean Streets of Gadgetzan came to be? We specifically chose Gadgetzan for the expansion. In World of Warcraft, you need to use a neutral trading outpost in Gadgetzan in order
Why is Sombra classified as an offense hero when her damange is low, and her abilities are mainly geared toward debuffing and disrupting? Earlier versions of her had even less firepower, because she w
How did the Necromancer come about? Wyatt Cheng: One of the things about both Necromancer and 20th anniversary dungeon is that they started as passion projects for the team. Team members who love the
On November 1st, Unite Los Angeles, a developer conference for Unity, was held at the Loews Hollywood Hotel. In the keynote address, Unity announced its plans to expand its reach worldwide, with a par